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Bug#271235: (no subject)

I noticed another interesting thing when I do these steps:

- I run xine and watch a movie for a few seconds, quit
- I run tvtime -> I observe the behavior I described (incorrect redrawing, only part of the image in fullscreen), quit
- I run mplayer and watch a movie, quit
- I run tvtime -> no more incorrect behavior

I'm encoutering this with dfsg.1-7 and nv_drv.o from 1-4 or NVIDIA driver 1.0.6111. Needless to say there was no such behavior before upgrading to 1-7.

IMHO this shows that more things are broken in 1-7 than only the nv driver.

Let me know if there's anything I can test.


andrei.badea@movzx.net # http://movzx.net # ICQ: 52641547

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