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Bug#237877: use DisplaySize to set dpi

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On Fri, Aug 06, 2004 at 02:35:23PM -0400, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> The DPI can also be set using the DisplaySize parameter in XF86Config-4.
> Although this seems to be semantically equivalent to the -dpi option
> (none of my computers auto-detect it, so I can't tell if auto-detection
> overrides DisplaySize, but it seems unlikely), it would be 1) easier for
> users to find and change, and 2) easier to handle with dexconf.  A
> simple 'I have a 14"/15"/17"/21"/custom/autodetect monitor' question
> would make this issue go away.
> This suggestion comes from the perspective of one who always enters
> DisplaySize manually, and removes the -dpi from xserverrc.  Monitors
> differ enough in their resolutions these days that it's really worth
> getting it right.
> Also, has anyone asked the X developers for a "soft" version of -dpi or
> DisplaySize?  It seems like a trivial feature.

Sure; I've considered implementing it ("-softdpi") myself.  So far, not
enough round tuits for it.

(For bystanders reading this, whereas "-dpi" overrides any DisplaySize
information, "-softdpi"'s setting would only be used if no screen size
information were available.)

G. Branden Robinson                |     You are not angry with people when
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     you laugh at them.  Humor teaches
branden@debian.org                 |     them tolerance.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- W. Somerset Maugham

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