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UK Variant dvorak


would you consider adding the following to
and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/dvorak

//UK Dvorak
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "gb" {
        include "dvorak(basic)"

        key <TLDE> {    [       grave,  notsign         ],
                        [       bar,    bar             ]       };
        key <LSGT> {    [       backslash,             bar      ],
                        [             bar,       brokenbar      ]       };
        key <AE02> {    [           2,  quotedbl        ]       };
        key <AE03> {    [           3,  sterling        ]       };
        key <AE04> {    [           4,  dollar          ],
                        [    EuroSign,  NoSymbol        ]       };
        key <AD01> {    [  apostrophe,  at              ],
                        [  dead_acute,  dead_diaeresis  ]       };
        key <BKSL> {    [  numbersign,  asciitilde      ]       };


it not an official layout as far as i know, it just the result
of rearranging a uk qwerty to be dvorak
(different symbols on shift+num and such)

I also have console keymaps, and considering send them (not to X list)

Thank you

Thorben Jändling

PS I am not on list, please cc me

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