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X Strike Force XFree86 SVN property change: propchange - r1176 svn:log

Author: branden
Revision: 1176
Property Name: svn:log

New Property Value:
Improve logging of xdm's script handling in session.c.

+ Make execution of the session program an informational log message (with
  LogInfo()), not a Debug() message.
+ Ensure that source()d scripts (Xreset, Xsetup, Xstartup) can be
  fopen()ed before invoking runAndWait() on them.  If they can, LogInfo()
  the fact.  If they cannot, LogInfo() that, too, and use strerror() to
  report why fopen() failed.  (Closes: #219311)
+ Make source() complain using Debug() when it is given a null pointer in
  its file argument.
+ For clarity, make source() return from only one location.

changeset: succeeded by 1180, 1214

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