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Bug#238340: xserver-xfree86: bad VideoRam value on i810

On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 01:52:39PM -0300, Rafael Ávila de Espíndola wrote:
> The xserver-xfree86.config file tests if the driver is a i810, and if it is, 
> sets the default VideoRam to 8192. This will prevent dri from working since 
> it needs more ram. I think the VideoRam option should not be set by default 
> when the driver is the i810. According to 
> http://www.xfree86.org/~dawes/845driver.html, in the absence of this option 
> the driver "defaults to 32MB of VideoRam when the DRI is enabled (and 8MB 
> when DRI is not enabled)"

Thanks for pointing this out.  I've checked the 4.3.0 source code, and
verified that you're correct for the i830_driver.c (which is used by the
i830 chipset and all supported later models).

For i810_driver.c, the VideoRam default inside the driver is now 8 megs.

    824    /* Default to 4MB framebuffer, which is sufficient for all
    825     * supported 2d resolutions.  If the user has specified a different
    826     * size in the XF86Config, use that amount instead.
    827     *
    828     *  Changed to 8 Meg so we can have acceleration by default (Mark).
    829     */
    830    pScrn->videoRam = 8192;
    831    from = X_DEFAULT;
    832    if (pI810->pEnt->device->videoRam) {
    833       pScrn->videoRam = pI810->pEnt->device->videoRam;
    834       from = X_CONFIG;
    835    }
    837    mem = I810CheckAvailableMemory(pScrn);
    838    if (mem > 0 && mem < pScrn->videoRam) {
    839       xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "%dk of memory was requested,"
    840                  " but the\n\t maximum AGP memory available is %dk.\n",
    841                  pScrn->videoRam, mem);
    842       from = X_PROBED;
    843       if (mem > (6 * 1024)) {
    844          xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_INFO,
    845                     "Reducing video memory to 4MB\n");
    846          pScrn->videoRam = 4096;
    847       } else {
    848          xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "Less than 6MB of AGP memory"
    849                     "is available. Cannot proceed.\n");
    850          I810FreeRec(pScrn);
    851          return FALSE;
    852       }
    853    }
    855    xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, from,
    856               "Will alloc AGP framebuffer: %d kByte\n", pScrn->videoRam);

Therefore, I agree with your recommendation.

G. Branden Robinson                |    Kissing girls is a goodness.  It is
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    a growing closer.  It beats the
branden@debian.org                 |    hell out of card games.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Robert Heinlein

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