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Bug#193374: xserver-xfree86: No UseFBDev option when configuring xserver-xfree86

Package: xserver-xfree86
Version: 4.2.1-6
Severity: important

When doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, there is no option for the user
to set UseFBDev to false (I believe there used to be one, but was it might've
been taken out).

The real problem relates to this:

For my machine (and I assume any machine with an nvidia radeon card),
UseFBDev will cause you to get a "no screens found" error aftering starting
X (assuming you really don't have an FB device interface loaded).

Personally, not only do I think there should be an option (so you won't have
to fix the XF86Config file every upgrade), but it should default to false for
the users who would get the "no screens found" error.

Jonathan Hseu

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