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[buaax100@hi-net.zaq.ne.jp: xbase-clients depends bug]

----- Forwarded message from Hiroyuki Terada <buaax100@hi-net.zaq.ne.jp> -----

From: Hiroyuki Terada <buaax100@hi-net.zaq.ne.jp>
To: branden@debian.org
Subject: xbase-clients depends bug
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 16:42:05 +0900
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 xbase-clients depends on libfreetype6 but it is no anywhere. Is this a
bug? Please research that. 

 I'm sorry for not well English. 

Good luck.

Hiroyuki Terada
woody+kernel2.4+Your current XFree86*

Email: buaax100@hi-net.zaq.ne.jp

----- End forwarded message -----

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Debian GNU/Linux                |        "To do is to be"   -- Aristotle
branden@debian.org              |        "Do be do be do"   -- Sinatra
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