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6pre7v3 not starting possible solution

I did some poking around in my /etc/X11 and think I found some issues:

- As Warren Turkal mentioned, the contents of /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ should
  probably be chmod +x, so run-parts as used in /etc/X11/Xsession will return
  a list of the files in that directory like we want.  Otherwise it returns
  an error of the form "run-parts: component %s is not an executable plain

- The contents of /etc/X11/Xresources/ should also be chmod +x, or run-parts
  as used in etc/X11/Xsession.d/30xfree86-common_xresources will be unhappy as
  described above.

- In /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99xfree86-common_start, I changed the line:
      exec "$REALSTARTUP"
      exec $REALSTARTUP
  The problem was that $REALSTARTUP was set to:
      /usr/bin/ssh-agent  /usr/bin/enlightenment
  and with the quotes around the variable exec would think that that entire
  thing, spaces and all, was the name of a single executable.

Now my window manager will start from kdm without problems.

--Tom Joseph

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