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cannot make 4.0.3

Dear debian-x hackers!

I know that this is no support list but as described on the mailing-list page it is "intended for those who deal with the source code"

So maybe I'm not completely wrong.

Some apps like konqueror, mozilla, gnome-termial completely mess up my screen and sometimes even my root window. After recompiling glib, libgtk  (with dpkg - tools) the situation didn't improve so the bloody beginner I am (not much beyond ./configure;make;make install) I tried to apt-get -b source xfree86.

Now after the fifth try I'm close to giving up and doing a complete install from scratch - except if you could give me a hint based on this output:

Somwhere in the middle I saw this:
(don't know if it helps, i must admit that I didn't watch the whole make process ;-)

+ install -c -m 0444 '#tmp.21923' /var/cache/apt/source/xfree86-4.0.3/debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man3/GLwMDrawingArea.3x
strip: debian/xlibs-dev/usr/X11R6/lib/st6ZbmNw: Invalid operation
dh_strip: command returned error code
make: *** [debian/stampdir/binary-arch] Error 1
testsrv:/var/cache/apt/source/xfree86-4.0.3#  libICE.so.6
bash: libICE.so.6: command not found
testsrv:/var/cache/apt/source/xfree86-4.0.3# + rm -f libSM.so.6

this is how it ends:

# compare manifests
(cd debian/tmp && find -type f | sort | cut -c3-) > debian/MANIFEST.i386.new
# confirm that the installed file list has not changed
# remove initial test once we have MANIFESTs for every arch
[ -e debian/MANIFEST.i386 ] && if ! cmp -s debian/MANIFEST.i386 debian/MANIFEST.i386.new; then diff -u -0 debian/MANIFEST.i386 debian/MANIFEST.i386.new; echo 'MANIFEST check failed; please see debian/README' >&2; exit 1; fi
touch debian/stampdir/install
#dh_movefiles is not idempotent
for PACKAGE in $(dh_listpackages); do \
  for FILELIST in debian/$PACKAGE.files; do \
    if [ -f $FILELIST.i386 ]; then \
      FILELIST=$FILELIST.i386; \
    fi; \
    if [ -f $FILELIST ]; then \
      for FILE in $(cat $FILELIST); do \
        if [ -L /var/cache/apt/source/xfree86-4.0.3/debian/tmp/$FILE ]; then \
	  echo $FILE is a symlink pointing to $(readlink $FILE)\; put it in $PAC
KAGE.links instead >&2; \
	  exit 1; \
	fi; \
	install -m 755 -d $(dirname debian/$PACKAGE/$FILE); \
	cp -f /var/cache/apt/source/xfree86-4.0.3/debian/tmp/$FILE debian/$PACKAGE/$FILE; \
      done; \
    fi; \
  done; \
# copy debugging targets so they don't get stripped
for PACKAGE in $(dh_listpackages); do \
  for DEBUGFILELIST in debian/$PACKAGE.debugfiles; do \
    if [ -f $DEBUGFILELIST.i386 ]; then \
    fi; \
    if [ -f $DEBUGFILELIST ]; then \
      cat $DEBUGFILELIST | while read SOURCE DEST; do \
	install -m 755 -d $(dirname debian/$PACKAGE/$DEST); \
	cp -f /var/cache/apt/source/xfree86-4.0.3/debian/tmp/$SOURCE debian/$PACKAGE/$DEST; \
      done; \
    fi; \
  done; \
dh_installinit --noscripts
dh_strip -Nlibdps1-dbg -Nlibxaw6-dbg -Nlibxaw7-dbg -Nxlibmesa3-dbg -Nxlibosmesa3-dbg -Nxlibs-dbg
strip: debian/xlibs-dev/usr/X11R6/lib/styYGy5i: Invalid operation
dh_strip: command returned error code
make: *** [debian/stampdir/binary-arch] Error 1

best regards

ps: i have an nvidia tnt card on the i386 platform

Everyone should have http://www.freedom2surf.net/

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