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Re: Where do I get discover?

On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 09:56:38AM -0800, Zack Weinberg wrote:
> The configuration for xserver-xfree86 wants to use a hardware-
> detection program called discover.  I can't find this program in any
> package.  Where do I get it?  I'm using unstable.

It's a Progeny tool, not yet packaged for Debian because it depends on a
version of libdetect which Progeny forked from the official version

The fork was pretty much my doing; I wanted a way to map video cards to X
servers and drivers.

The package's complaining about discover being absent is just debugging
noise that has since been removed from the package.  The XFree86 packages
will work just fine in the absence of discover; you just have to pick your
own X server and (for XFree86 4.x) driver for your video card.

G. Branden Robinson             |    The errors of great men are venerable
Debian GNU/Linux                |    because they are more fruitful than the
branden@debian.org              |    truths of little men.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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