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[wmhardrock@hotmail.com: Broken badly]


----- Forwarded message from Vincent Foley <wmhardrock@hotmail.com> -----

From: "Vincent Foley" <wmhardrock@hotmail.com>
To: xserver-xfree86@packages.debian.org
Subject: Broken badly
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:54:11 -0500
Delivered-To: branden@localhost.deadbeast.net
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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Nov 2000 18:54:11.0604 (UTC) FILETIME=[987CF540:01C0596C]
Delivered-To: xserver-xfree86@packages.debian.org

   I run woody oon my box at home andI have a problem with Xfree86 4.0.1-8.  
When I apt-got xserver-xfree86, it wouldn't finish installing it, because 
there was a programmation error somewhere.  It was a bash error, on line 1, 
it says that there's a bad EOF : `''  And this prevents me from using X.  
Could you see what's wrong?  Because I'm about to reinstall potato (and I 
don't want to do that, but I'll do if I have to).  Please tell me what I can 
do to fix this mess, or how I can get 3.3.6 back on my system.

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G. Branden Robinson            |    If you wish to strive for peace of soul,
Debian GNU/Linux               |    then believe; if you wish to be a
branden@deadbeast.net          |    devotee of truth, then inquire.
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |    -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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