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Re: Seeking info: how to build xfree .deb from CVS

On Sat, 2002-01-05 at 20:04, Dave Baker wrote:
> I'm trying to build a set of xfree86 .debs from the CVS archive in order
> to get my Radeon 7500 to work.  I've confirmed it works by just doing a
> 'make World' against the CVS tree but when I try to integrate it with the
> latest xfree debian ruleset most of the patches fail to apply (expected)
> and the source tree no longer compiles (unexpected).
> I checked Branden's X StrikeForce page and didn't see anything beyond the
> -pre releases, and haven't had any luck searching for info due to the mass
> of unrelated pages that google turns up.
> Normally I'd just trudge through this with trial and error, but when it
> takes many hours to attempt each compile this stops being a viable method.
> Can anyone help?  Does anyone have a debian/ directory that's ready to
> accept a CVS tarball and go?  Or, does anyone have any hints about how I
> should best go about this?

I think what you're trying to do is more hassle than it's worth. :)

Unless you need multihead support, I think you can use a 7500 with 4.1.0
by overriding the ChipID to that of a VE (IIRC). You should try to get
more information about this on the web or elsewhere and remember that
I'm not responsible for any problems this might cause though. :)

Even if that's a no-go, there is no real reason for packaging X CVS when
all you need is an up-to-date X server, which is probably the case for
you. Just build it normally and install into /usr/local or your
preferred place for non-packaged software, and then point /etc/X11/X to
it etc. Beware that unless you

#define UseSeparateConfDir NO

in xc/config/cf/host.def, make install will overwrite stuff in /etc/X11
and cause major problems. Yes, I've been reminded the hard way. :(

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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