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Re: Proposal: Refresh list of category in https://lists.debian.org/

On 30.03.24 11:53, Kentaro Hayashi wrote:

It seems that some of category in lists.debian.org
may be too comprehensive,
so I think that revisit updating list of category may be better.

I've filed as a bug [1] especially the following 2 cases.

* Case 1) "Users" category is too comprehensive, let's split it.
* Case 2) "Developers" category is too comprehensive, let's split it.

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/1065647

Case 1) "Users" category is too comprehensive, let's split it.

Split Users into "Users" and "Local Community and Users".
Merit of this one is making it easy to distinct local/regional community.


    * Users (English)
     * debian-announce
     * debian-backports
     * debian-user
     * debian-chinese
     * debian-chinese-big5
     * debian-chinese-gb
     * debian-esperanto


    * Users (English)
     * debian-announce
     * debian-backports
     * debian-user

    * Local Community and Users

     * debian-chinese
     * debian-chinese-big5
     * debian-chinese-gb
     * debian-esperanto
     * debian-french
     * debian-italian
     * debian-japanese
     * debian-user-catalan
     * debian-user-danish

Case 2) Developers category is too comprehensive, let's split it.

Extract some mailing-list into new "Maintenance of Programming
Languages" from Developers category.


    * Developers

     * debian-academy


    * Developers

     * debian-academy

    * Maintenance of Programming Languages

     * debian-ada
     * debian-clojure
     * debian-common-lisp
     * debian-go
     * debian-haskell
     * debian-js
     * debian-ocaml-maint
     * debian-perl
     * debian-python
     * debian-r
     * debian-ruby
     * debian-rust
     * debian-scheme

Any thought?


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