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Bug#1053935: www.debian.org: outdated debian-cd, debian-archive, debian-ports mirror lists

On 2023-10-23 21:01, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
On Mon, 2023-10-23 at 20:44 +0900, Jing Luo wrote:
On 2023-10-21 02:46, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> Note that Mirrors.masterlist.in is not used verbatim by any part of
> the
> website. Rather, the Mirror Team's status monitoring tools (see
> e.g.
> https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/mirror-status.html )
> generate a
> filtered list containing those mirrors which are considered to be
> currently "good enough" (i.e. have managed to stay up-to-date for
> long
> enough), so not all mirrors in the .in file will appear in the
> results.

I see. Is this information publicly available on www.d.o or gitlab?

Which information?

The paragraph I quoted above and below.

Note that Mirrors.masterlist.in is not used verbatim by any part of the website. Rather, the Mirror Team's status monitoring tools (see e.g. https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/mirror-status.html ) generate a filtered list containing those mirrors which are considered to be currently "good enough" (i.e. have managed to stay up-to-date for long enough), so not all mirrors in the .in file will appear in the results.

It would be better to avoid future confusion for others if the Debian web team can put this paragraph somewhere on www.d.o

Since there is a generated version of Mirrors.masterlist and it
doesn't appears to be publicly accessible, and the mirror team has
its own standard, there is really no way for any "outsider" to know
if the lists  on the website is really good.

It is publicly accessible. The generated file is in
https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/ (which you can verify in the
webwml repository is where the website downloads it from), and the
status of each mirror can be checked using the URL from my previous

Sorry that I wasn't clear. This is true *if* the same mirror mirrors /debian _and_ debian-cd, etc. If a mirror site only mirrors debian-cd, debian-archive, or debian-ports (although unlikely?), we will have to manually check the trace file to see if it's updated. And in some (rare) occasions, their /debian can be up-to-date while debian-ports is not. I guess debian-cd, debian-archive and debian-ports are currently out of scope for mirror-status?

It's up-to-date now, but as you can see from
, it's been having some issues recently. The "score" column needs to be
at least 50 for it to be included.

Since Debian is a community project, for openness and transparency, I suggest the web team add this "at least 50" rule to www.d.o/mirror/list.en.html

For debian-ports, linux.purple-cat.net is also up to date, but why is
it not on the debian-ports list? Do you not accept new ports mirror?

That's in the generated Masterlist file, and has Ports-* fields, so
that might be one for the web team to look at, I think.

@the web team

Jing Luo
About me: https://jing.rocks/about/
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