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Bug#1020464: www.debian.org: debian.org cookie logged_out_marketing_header_id

Control: tags -1 + unreproducible

On Thu, 22 Sep 2022 02:28:42 +0200 Thorsten Glaser wrote:

> Why does the website set this cookie, or a cookie at all?
> These are, preferences or logins aside, normally a sign of
> bad behaviour like user tracking, and I’d say frowned upon
> in the project.

I can't reproduce this nor find any sign of this cookie name in the
website code, as far as I can tell the only place on the Debian website
that sets a cookie of any kind is the language override functionality:


Perhaps your browser or an extension is adding the cookie?

Searching for the name indicates this is a GitLab/salsa cookie,
but I would expect that would set the cookie on salsa.d.o not d.o.




Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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