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Organization pronouns for Community Team


I am seeking to update the Community Team section[1] to include member
pronouns. I'm non-binary and use they/them, and wanted to make the
team's diversity a little more clear.

I note we already have tags for ``<delegate_{fe,}male>``, I assume to
allow for localisation in gendered languages. English, of course, we
lack such distinction.

I suspect changing the English default for all delegates to be something
like ``(delegate, he/him)`` would be a bad choice for a number of
reasons, principally that it'd be a lot of effort to ensure it's 100%
accurate, and secondarily because I don't immediately want to push for
the potentially more controversial change. (Doing this for CT is
something we have agreed upon.)

In any case, we'd need to create new tags for pronouns anyways, for

Is the right answer to just create new tags for the combination?

tag                   English text
=================     =====================
delegate_hehim        (delegate; he/him)
delegate_sheher       (delegate; she/her)
delegate_theythem     (delegate; they/them)
hehim                 (he/him)
sheher                (she/her)
theythem              (they/them)

[1]: https://www.debian.org/intro/organization#community

Luke Faraone (they/them)

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