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Bug#933609: How hard it is to find the Date of a package


I don't think there's any bug here, TBH. And if there was this would
be the wrong package to assign to.

On Thu, 2019-08-01 at 09:22:29 +0800, 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson wrote:
> Package: www.debian.org

> Let's examine how extremely hard it is for a user to squeeze update date
> of a package he is thinking of installing out of the Debian system.

The date does not seem relevant at all for the case you list below.

> Now we must turn to the web.

Not really, but see below.

> Case in point:
> "Should we install webext-ublock-origin, or get it from the Chrome web
> store. I know, let's see which is newer!" #933608
> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm
> says says "Updated July 25, 2019"

You should be looking at the versions, the date is not really an
indicator of whether one is newer than the other, it just reflects
when these versions got uploaded to these different repositories. If
Debian uploaded an older version later than the version in the Chrome
web store, you'd get the wrong result.
Version on the Chrome web store: 1.21.6

> OK, let's turn to Debian.

  $ apt-cache show webext-ublock-origin/sid | grep Version:
  Version: 1.19.0+dfsg-2

That pretty unambiguously states that the version in Debian is older.
But if today there was a new Debian revision (say 1.19.0+dfsg-3) you'd
have reached the wrong conclusion that the version in Debian is newer.

> So we must shorten the link:
> http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/u/ublock-origin/
> Then click Last Modified (twice), then look for the file we want...

This is all the wrong way around really. But, in case you want to see
the date of the last change, which also has nothing to do with when
this got uploaded, or built (which can all be different times), then
a simple:

  $ apt changelog webext-ublock-origin/sid

would do.


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