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branch language-selector on webwml repo

Hello Rhonda,

it's been a while since you pushed your working branch
'language-selector' for the reworked footer section about the links to
the various languages on a website which are available, and in principle
this is working as discussed.

I think this needs a small further improvement as currently all
available languages are now being displayed as long someone is moving
the mouse over this footer field.
And there is the small sentence/paragraph right before the linking to
modifying the desired default language

  "This page is also available in the following languages:"

This is now a bit confusing as there seems something to be missed then.
I propose we change that sentence to

  "This page is also available in various languages."

and moving the hover effect to the words 'various languages' so the
available languages are shown if the user is moving the mouse over these
two words. The words should than also be underlined by dots e.g. so it's
intentional that something will happen if the user moving his mouse to
this marked words.

Carsten Schoenert

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