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cvs ci failed. How can I solve it?

I translated
into Korean and run following command.

cvs ci -m "jigdo" index.wml
But I get an error message as follows.

Commit contains these http: URLs, please change them to https:
so that users visiting them are protected by SSL.

cvs commit: Pre-commit check failed
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!

How can I solve it ?

I attached my translation.
Help me please.
세벌식 http://sebul.sarang.net
#use wml::debian::cdimage title="Downloading Debian CD images with jigdo" BARETITLE=true
#use wml::debian::toc
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/info"
#use wml::debian::installer
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/images.data"
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/debian-installer/images.data"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.84" maintainer="Sebul"

<p>Jigsaw 내려받기, 또는 짧게 <a href="http://atterer.org/jigdo/";>jigdo</a>는
앞으로 데비안 CD를 배포하는 주된 방법일 겁니다.
현재, 시스템은 동작하지만, 아직 사용하기에 완전하진 않은데,
왜냐면 내려받기 관리자 프로그램이 완료되지 않았기 때문입니다.


<toc-add-entry name="why">왜 jigdo가 직접 내려받는 것 보다 나은가

<p>왜냐면 빠르기 때문!
여러가지 까닭으로, CD 이미지를 위한 미러는 "보통" 데비안 아카이브보다 적습니다.
결과적으로, CD 이미지 미러에서 내려받는다면, 그 미러는 여러분과 멀리 떨어져있을
뿐 아니라, 특히 릴리스 후에 오버로드 됩니다.

<p>게다가, 어떤 형식의 이미지는 전체 <tt>.iso</tt> 내려받기가 불가능한데, 왜냐면
서버가 그것을 호스트할 충분한 공간이 안 되기 때문입니다.

<p>물론, "보통" 데비안 미러는 CD 이미지를 갖지 않으므로,
jigdo는 그것을 거기서 내려받을 수 있을까요? jigdo 아카이브는 CD에 있는 모든 파일을
개별적으로 내려받아 저장합니다.
다음 단계는, 이 모든 파일은 큰 파일 하나로 조립됩니다. 
그러나, 이 이 장면 뒤에서 발생하는 모든 것은 - <em>여러분</em>이 필요한 모든 것은
"<tt>.jigdo</tt>" 파일의 위치 도구를 내려받아 처리하는 것.

<p>더 자세한 정보는
<a href="http://atterer.org/jigdo/";>jigdo 홈페이지</a>에 있습니다. 
jigdo 개발을 도울 자원봉사자는 언제나 환영합니다!

<toc-add-entry name="how">jigdo로 이미지를 내려받는 방법</toc-add-entry>


  <li><tt>jigdo-lite</tt>를 포함한 패키지를 받으세요, 이것은
<a href="http://atterer.org/jigdo/";>jigdo 홈페이지</a>에서
GNU/Linux, Windows 및 Solaris 용으로 가능합니다.
FreeBSD 를 위해서는,
/usr/ports/net-p2p/jigdo 에서 설치하거나
<tt>pkg_add -r jigdo</tt> 로 패키지를 가져옵니다.

  <li><tt>jigdo-lite</tt> 스크립트를 돌립니다.
처리할 "<tt>.jigdo</tt>" 파일의 URL을 물을 겁니다.
(원하면 명령행에서 여러분이 URL을 제공할 수도 있습니다.)

  <li><a href="#which">아래</a>에 나열된 위치 중 하나에서,
내려받을 "<tt>.jigdo</tt>" 파일을 고르고, 
<tt>jigdo-lite</tt> 프롬프트에서 URL을 치세요.
각 "<tt>.jigdo</tt>" 파일은 한 "<tt>.iso</tt>" CD/DVD 이미지에 해당합니다.

  <li>처음 사용자라면, "Files to scan" 프롬프트에서 그냥 엔터 칩니다.

  <li>"Debian mirror" 프롬프트에서, 
  <kbd>http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/</kbd> 또는
  <kbd>http://ftp.<strong><var>XY</var></strong>.debian.org/debian/</kbd> 치는데, 여기서
  <strong><var>XY</var></strong>는 여러분의 나라를 위한 2글자 코드
(예를 들어, <tt>us</tt>, <tt>de</tt>, <tt>uk</tt>입니다.
<a href="$(HOME)/mirror/list">가능한 목록은 ftp.<var>XY</var>.debian.org locations</a>.)

  <li>스크립트가 출력한 명령을 따르세요.
모든 것이 잘 되면, 스크링트는 생생된 이미지의 체크섬을 계산하고
체크섬이 원본 이미지와 맞음을 알려줄 겁니다.


<p>For a detailed, step-by-step description of this process, have a
look at the <a href="http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Debian-Jigdo/";>Debian jigdo
mini-HOWTO</a>. The HOWTO also explains jigdo's advanced features,
such as upgrading an older version of a CD image to the current
version (by downloading only what has changed, not the entire new

<p>Once you have downloaded the images and written them to CD, be sure
to have a look at the <a
href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/installmanual">detailed information
about the installation process</a>.</p>

<toc-add-entry name="which">Official images</toc-add-entry>

<h3>Official jigdo files for the <q>stable</q> release</h3>

<div class="line">
<div class="item col50">
  <stable-full-cd-jigdo />
<div class="item col50 lastcol">
  <stable-full-dvd-jigdo />
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="line">
<div class="item col50">
  <stable-full-bluray-jigdo />

<p>Be sure to have a look at the documentation before you install.
<strong>If you read only one document</strong> before installing, read our
<a href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/i386/apa">Installation Howto</a>, a quick
walkthrough of the installation process. Other useful documentation includes:
<li><a href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/installmanual">Installation Guide</a>,
    the detailed installation instructions</li>
<li><a href="https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller";>Debian-Installer
    Documentation</a>, including the FAQ with common questions and answers</li>
<li><a href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/debian-installer/#errata">Debian-Installer
    Errata</a>, the list of known problems in the installer</li>

<h3>Official jigdo files for the <q>testing</q> distribution</h3>
<div class="line">
<div class="item col50">
  <devel-full-cd-jigdo />
<div class="item col50 lastcol">
  <devel-full-dvd-jigdo />

<toc-add-entry name="unofficial">Unofficial images</toc-add-entry>

<p>These images are not built and offered by Debian, but by <a


  <li>fsn://HU jigdo files for the <a
  "testing" distribution</a> on CD (<em>amd64 and i386, regenerated
  weekly</em>), <a

  <li>fsn://HU jigdo files for the <a
  "testing" distribution</a> on DVD (<em>amd64 and i386, regenerated
  weekly</em>), <a

  <li>fsn://HU jigdo files for the <a
  "unstable" distribution</a> on CD (<em>amd64 and i386, regenerated
  weekly</em>), <a

  <li>fsn://HU jigdo files for the <a
  "unstable" distribution</a> on DVD (<em>amd64 and i386, regenerated
  weekly</em>), <a


<hr />

<toc-add-entry name="search">Search Contents of CD images</toc-add-entry>

<p><strong>Which CD/DVD image contains a certain file?</strong> Below,
you can search the lists of files
contained in a wide variety of Debian CD/DVD images. You
can enter several words, each word must match a substring of the
filename. Add e.g. "_i386" to restrict the results to a certain
architecture. Add "_all" to see packages which are identical for all

<form method="get" action="http://cdimage-search.debian.org/";><p>
<input type="hidden" name="search_area" value="release">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="simple">
<input type="text" name="query" size="20" value="">
# Translators: "Search" is translatable
<input type="submit" value="Search"></p></form>

<p><strong>What files are contained in a certain image?</strong> If
you need a list of <em>all</em> files that a certain Debian CD/DVD
contains, just look in the image's corresponding <tt>list.gz</tt> file
on <a


<toc-add-entry name="faq">Frequently Asked/Answered Questions</toc-add-entry>

<p><strong>How do I make jigdo use my proxy?</strong></p>

<p>Load the file <tt>~/.jigdo-lite</tt> (or
<tt>jigdo-lite-settings.txt</tt> for the Windows version) into a text
editor and find the line that starts with "wgetOpts". The following
switches can be added to the line:</p>

<p><tt>-e ftp_proxy=http://<i>LOCAL-PROXY</i>:<i>PORT</i>/</tt>
<br><tt>-e http_proxy=http://<i>LOCAL-PROXY</i>:<i>PORT</i>/</tt>

<p>Of course, substitute the correct values for your proxy server. The
last two options are only necessary if your proxy uses password
authentication. The switches need to be added to the end of the
wgetOpts line <em>before</em> the final <tt>'</tt> character. All
options must be on one line.</p>

<p>Alternatively, under Linux you can also set up the
<tt>ftp_proxy</tt> and <tt>http_proxy</tt> environment variables, for
example in the file <tt>/etc/environment</tt> or

<p><strong>Aargh! The script fails with an error - have I downloaded all
those MBs in vain?!</strong></p>

<p>Of course this Should Not Happen(tm), but for various reasons you
may end up in a state where a large "<tt>.iso.tmp</tt>" file has
already been generated and <tt>jigdo-lite</tt> appears to have
problems, telling you repeatedly to try restarting the download. There
are several possible things to try in this case:</p>


  <li>Simply restart the download by pressing Return. Maybe some of
  the files could not be downloaded because of timeouts or other
  transient errors - another attempt will be made to download any
  missing files.</li>

  <li>Try a different mirror. Some Debian mirrors are slightly out of
  sync - maybe a different mirror still holds files that were deleted
  from the one you specified, or it has already been updated with
  files that are not yet present on your mirror.</li>

  <li>Retrieve the missing parts of the image using <tt><a
  href="http://rsync.samba.org/";>rsync</a></tt>. First, you need to
  find out the correct rsync URL of the image you are downloading:
  Choose a server that offers rsync access to the <a
  href="../mirroring/rsync-mirrors">stable</a> or <a
  href="../http-ftp/#testing">testing</a> images, then determine the
  correct path and filename. Directory listings can be obtained with
  commands like

  <br>Next, remove the "<tt>.tmp</tt>" extension from
  <tt>jigdo-lite</tt>'s temporary file by renaming it, and pass both
  the remote URL and the local filename to rsync:

  <br>You may want to use rsync's <tt>--verbose</tt> and
  <tt>--progress</tt> switches to get status messages, and
  <tt>--block-size=8192</tt> to increase its speed.</li>

  <li>If all else fails, your downloaded data is still not lost: Under
  Linux, you can loop-mount the <tt>.tmp</tt> file to access the
  packages that were already downloaded, and reuse them for generating
  an image from a newer jigdo file (such as the latest weekly testing
  snapshot if your failed download was also a testing snapshot). To do
  this, first issue the following commands as root in the directory
  with the broken download: <tt>mkdir&nbsp;mnt;
  Next, start a new download in a different directory, and enter the
  path of the <tt>mnt</tt> directory at the "Files to scan"


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