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Re: Help with donating via paypal in my own country's currency

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Hi Alex

El 25/11/16 a las 18:55, Alex Henry escribió:
> Hi, thank you for the great work. I was planning on making a
> very small donation as a end-of-year token of gratitude via
> paypal.
> PayPal seems to be the most convenient way of donating across
> multiple projects and of course Debian has this venue described
> in the donations page. Unfortunately though when I click the link
> in the donations page (the Brazilian Portuguese version of it 
> <https://www.debian.org/donations.pt.html>) I am redirected to a 
> donation form asking for US dollar values.
> I know for a fact that it's possible to open that page in my own 
> currency and I'd appreciate that because I don't know which sort
> of exchange rate and taxes would come from making a donation in
> dollars. I'm not asking this only for myself but maybe for dozens
> of people like me who tried to donate only to come up with this
> problem and give up.
> Here is the code I've borrowed from another website which led me
> to a brazilian currency version of the page. I imagine it would
> be pretty simple to adapt this for other countries as well. I
> imagine that most donations come from the US or Canada but
> probably Debian, even more so than other projects, has a strong
> worldwide presence and userbase. Let me know if this ever gets
> implemented so I can proceed with my humble gesture. Thank you!
> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
> method="post" target="_blank"> <input name="cmd"
> value="_s-xclick" type="hidden"> <input name="hosted_button_id"
> value="REDACTED" type="hidden"> <!-- redacted because it could be
> site-specific --> <input name="currency_code" value="BRL"
> type="hidden"> <!-- this here does the magic, I imagine. pretty
> easy to change for any currency. --> <input class="btn
> btn-default" name="submit" value="Donate" type="submit"> </form>

Thanks for your support and for your suggestion. We have localized
the pages based on language, not country, but for some languages
this is probably do-able.

I've forwarded this idea to the Debian Auditor Team, to be sure that
it's possible for Debian to receive donations in different
currencies. Once they give us the "ok" or proper advice, I would
forward your suggestion to the different language teams, so they
update the localized pages with the currencies they consider most
used for the people speaking those languages.

Best regards
- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v2


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