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Bug#815202: packages: machines and sponsors information is outdated

Le 05/04/2016 07:06, Paul Wise a écrit :
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 9:05 AM, Stéphane Blondon wrote:
>> There are no commit since two years, so I'm not sure it's still alive.
> Nevertheless, it is the way forward.

Perhaps I am wrong but
https://github.com/Debian/ud is the future for the ldap web interface
(db.debian.org), not for packages.debian.org, isn't it?

To merge the previous Perl patch to packages.debian.org:
- clone http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/webwml/packages.git/ repository,
check out to the debian-master branch
- move the template static/about/sponsors.tmpl templates/html/
- create a new module lib/Packages/DoAboutSponsors.pm. The request to
the LDAP would be inserted inside.
- modify (at least) lib/Packages/Dispatcher.pm by:
 - including DoAboutSponsors.pm
 - modify do_dispatch to bind the url to the new module. (I didn't
understand it completely)

(I fail to write the patch so I wrote the previous paragraph in hope  it
could help someone else.)

>> - Or providing a python script which could be reused by the django site
>> in the future?
> I agree that any future machines list in ud (one doesn't exist yet)
> should have some filtering options.

I can do a pull/request to github with a modified version of the
previous code if you want.


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