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Bug#821096: (no subject)

# I do completely not understand what is not so easy :p

the if clauses prevent re-generation of the files,
 so you can just remove the lines to always generate the file
 regardless of their existence

first some lines of "make_data" subroutine 
  if (-f $data){
    print "$data already exists!\n";

first some lines of "make_wml" subroutine
  if (-f $wml){
    print "$wml already exists!\n";

additionally, if you really need the dsa's revision in the file name,
you can modify these lines to make what you want
    $wml = "$curyear/dsa-$dsa_number.wml";
    $data = "$curyear/dsa-$dsa_number.data";

the line next to this will tell you what can be used
    $pagetitle = "DSA-$dsa_number-$dsa_revision $package";

no need to CC me :-)

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