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Re: make http://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/ more compact

On Mon, 22 Apr 2013 17:43:28 +0900
victory wrote:

>  http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Webmaster/TODO#line-38:
>  make http://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/ more compact (like CD/vendors,
>  need mirror_list.pl tweak, and sorting the user country first)
> this patch does list users' preferred country first, then list other
> countries, both of country list and mirrors list
> NOTE that which web pages users see can be classfied by *language*, not by country

previous patch prints both ftp and http link even if it's blank
 and does not create tags correctly when the country has only 1 mirror

no need to CC me :-)
http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/163846 0.0.1
http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/163848 0.0.1
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/CD/http-ftp/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 Makefile
--- Makefile	17 Aug 2008 12:46:47 -0000	1.13
+++ Makefile	22 Apr 2013 17:32:01 -0000
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
 index.$(LANGUAGE).html: index.wml $(TEMPLDIR)/cdimage.wml \
   $(ENGLISHDIR)/CD/http-ftp/cdimage_mirrors.list \
+  $(ENGLISHDIR)/CD/http-ftp/list.defs \
   $(TEMPLDIR)/release_info.wml $(TEMPLDIR)/release_images.wml
 ifeq "$(LANGUAGE)" "en"
 $(ENGLISHDIR)/CD/http-ftp/cdimage_mirrors.list: \
-  $(ENGLISHDIR)/mirror/mirror_list.pl $(ENGLISHDIR)/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist
-	$< -m $(word 2,$^) -t cdimages-httpftp > $@
+  $(ENGLISHDIR)/CD/http-ftp/cd-mirror_list.pl $(ENGLISHDIR)/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist
+	$<
Index: index.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/CD/http-ftp/index.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -r1.52 index.wml
--- index.wml	8 Apr 2011 20:55:19 -0000	1.52
+++ index.wml	22 Apr 2013 08:25:58 -0000
@@ -120,9 +120,11 @@
 mirror? If yes, see the <a href="../mirroring/">instructions on
 how to set up a CD image mirror</a>.</p>
-#use wml::debian::countries
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/CD/http-ftp/cdimage_mirrors.list"
+#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/CD/http-ftp/list.defs"
+# translators: put preferred countries as country code in your language as preferred= values
+# eg: <cdmirrors preferred="jp de fr">
 <h2><a name="unofficial">Unofficial CD/DVD images of the <q>testing</q> and
--- cd-mirror_list.pl
+++ cd-mirror_list.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# based on mirror_list.pl -- generate cdimage Debian mirror lists
+# authors for original mirror_list.pl:
+# Copyright (C) 1998 James Treacy
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2007-2008 Josip Rodin
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Joey Hess
+use strict;
+  use Time::HiRes;
+  my $st=Time::HiRes::time;
+my $m_src = '../../mirror/Mirrors.masterlist';
+my (%countries, %cc, %cn, %p);
+my $count = 0;
+my (@mirror, $crl);
+open (SRC, "<", "$m_src") or die "Error: problem opening mirror source file, $m_src\n";
+foreach (<SRC>) {
+  chomp;
+  next if (/^$/ && !$crl);
+  # keep the previous lines and add this line if this line is a subsequence
+  # process previous line if this line is blank or a new attribute
+  # flush the previous lines and take this line if this is a new attribute
+  if (/^$/) { process_line($crl); $crl = ''; next;}
+  if (/^\s+(.*)$/) { $crl .= "\n$1"; next;}
+  if (/^[\w-]+:\s/) { process_line($crl); $crl = $_; next;}
+  die "Error: unknown format on line $.:\n$_\n";
+# process the last site if exists
+process_line($crl) if($crl);
+&process_host if($p{'cdi'});
+# count the number of mirrors
+$count = @mirror;
+# Create arrays of countries, with their mirrors.
+foreach my $id (0..$#mirror) {
+  push @{ $countries{ $mirror[$id]{country} } }, $id if (exists $mirror[$id]{country});
+  print (Time::HiRes::time - $st);
+# only needed lines are passed
+sub process_line {
+  $_ && /^(Site|IPv6|Country|CDImage-(f|ht)tp)/ ? process_line_($_) : return
+# this routine deal with a global hash %p
+# using hash enables to flush the values by one instruction
+# gloal value is needed as each line has only one attribute
+sub process_line_ {
+  my ($line) = @_;
+  my $field = '';
+  if    ($line =~ /^Country:\s*(.+)\s*$/is) { $p{'country'} = $1; }
+  elsif ($line =~ /^IPv6:\s*yes\s*$/is) { $p{'ipv6'} = 1; }
+  elsif ($line =~ /^Site:\s*(.+)\s*$/i) {
+    &process_host if ($p{'cdi'});
+    %p = ();
+    $p{'site'} = $1;
+  }
+  elsif ($line =~ /^(CDimage)-(?<met>ftp|http):\s*(?<dir>.*)\s*$/i) {
+    foreach my $m('ftp','http'){ $p{$m} = $+{dir} if (lc $+{met} eq $m)}
+    $p{'cdi'}  = 1;
+  }
+  elsif ($line !~ /^([\w-]+):\s*(.+)\s*$/s) {
+    warn "Error: incorrect line format\n\"$line\"\n";
+  }
+# process site's informations when all the entries for the site are stored
+sub process_host {
+  $mirror[$count]{site} = $p{'site'} if $p{'site'};
+  $mirror[$count]{'ipv6'} = 1 if $p{'ipv6'};
+  foreach my $m('ftp','http'){ $mirror[$count]{"cdimage-$m"} = $p{$m} if $p{$m}}
+  if ($p{'country'}){
+    if ($p{'country'} =~ /^(?<cc>(?<ccode>\w\w)\s+(?<cname>.+))\s*$/is) {
+      $mirror[$count]{'country'} = $+{cc};
+      $cc{$p{'country'}} = $+{ccode};
+      $cn{$p{'country'}} = $+{cname};
+    }else{
+      warn "strangely formatted Country line: $p{'country'}";
+    }
+  }else{
+    warn "found a mirror without a country, wtf? (site: $mirror[$count]{site})";
+  }
+  %p = ();  $count++;
+# create a list data and its country list, then processed by WML
+sub cdimage_mirrors {
+  # country list, previous country's name, previous country's host count
+  my ($cs, $prevc, $prev);
+  open ML, ">", "./cdimage_mirrors.list" || die("cannot open mirror list file");
+  foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
+    my $cnum = 0;				# current country's host count
+    foreach my $id (sort {$mirror[$a]{site}	# sort the country's mirror
+		      cmp $mirror[$b]{site}} @{ $countries{$country} }) {
+      my $ftploc  = $mirror[$id]{'cdimage-ftp'};
+      my $httploc = $mirror[$id]{'cdimage-http'};
+      if ($ftploc || $httploc) {
+	# country's host num = 0 means the 1st host in this country
+	if (! $cnum){
+	  # cs: [country code(2bytes)] [how many host in the country] [country's name]
+	  $cs .= join(' ',substr($prevc,0,2), $prev, substr($prevc,3,)) . "\n" if ($prev);
+	  print ML "\n" . substr($country,0,2) . "\x00";
+	  $prevc = $country;
+	}
+	$cnum++;  $prev = $cnum;  my $host = $mirror[$id]{site};
+	$host = "[site]<name>$host</name>";
+	$ftploc = $ftploc ? "<ftp>$ftploc</ftp>" : "";
+	$httploc = $httploc ? "<http>$httploc</http>" : "";
+	my $v6 = $mirror[$id]{'ipv6'} ? "<v6>1</v6>" : "";
+	print ML "$host$ftploc$httploc$v6";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  close ML;
+  $cs .= join(' ',substr($prevc,0,2), $prev, substr($prevc,3,)) . "\n" if ($prev);
+  open  CL, ">", "./cdimage_countries.list" || die("cannot open country list file");
+  print CL $cs;
+  close CL;

--- list.defs
+++ list.defs
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+<define-tag cdmirrors>
+<preserve preferred />
+<set-var %attributes />
+  use encoding "utf8";
+	# create/update a country list cache file
+	# using cache file is about 25x faster than doing isoquery
+  my $isoq = "countries.list";
+	# this sub does isoquery and save to a file
+  sub clist_cache{
+	# update once per a month.
+    return if(stat($isoq) && (stat($isoq))[10] && (time - (stat($isoq))[10] < 2600000));
+    my $arg = "-l $CUR_ISO_LANG";
+    $arg = "" if($arg eq '-l en');
+    system "isoquery -c $arg > $isoq" || die "isoquery failed.\n";
+  }
+  my (%count, %countrylist, %countries);
+  &clist_cache;
+  open (my $iq, "<", $isoq) || die "Unable to read $isoq";
+  foreach (<$iq>) {
+    chomp;
+    my $code = substr($_,0,2);
+    s/.*\t//;		# [alpha-2-code]\t[alpha-3-code]\t[numerical-code]\t[name]->[name]
+    s/(,|Federation).*//i;	# after ',' 'Federation' seems not needed
+    s/(\s*\(|��).*//;	# in Japanese, parenthesis says the same thing twice, �� is not needed
+    s/\s+/&nbsp;/g;	# don't divide country name
+    $countrylist{$code} = $_;
+  }
+  close($iq);
+  my $listfile = "$(ENGLISHDIR)/CD/http-ftp/cdimage_countries.list";
+  open (my $cs, "<", $listfile) || die "Unable to read $listfile";
+  while (<$cs>) {
+	# [country code(2bytes)] [how many host in the country] [country's name]
+    if (/^\s*(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w[^,\n]+)\n/) {
+      $count{$1} = $2;
+	# use isoquery's output and fallback if failed
+      $countries{$1} = $countrylist{$1} || $3;
+    }
+  }
+  close($cs);
+	# preferred list, remain list, the language's list
+  my (@pl,@rl,%ll,@ll);
+  @ll = ("<get-var preferred />") &&
+	split(/[\s,\/_\:;\+\-\.&'"]+/, "<get-var preferred />");
+	# add to @pl if the ll exists in %countries
+	# this eliminates countries that don't have any mirror hosts, in the language's list
+  if(@ll && length(@ll)){
+    foreach (@ll){ $_=uc; $ll{$_}=1;  push(@pl,$_) if($countries{$_});}
+	# add to @rl if %countries not exists in @pl
+    foreach (keys %countries){ push (@rl,$_) unless($ll{$_});}
+	# if preferred list exists, sort only "remain list"
+    @rl = sort { Unicode::Normalize::NFKD($countries{$a})
+	     cmp Unicode::Normalize::NFKD($countries{$b}) } @rl if(@rl && length(@rl));
+    @ll = (@pl, @rl);	# then add "remain list" after "preferred list"
+  }else{	# sort country list otherwise
+    @ll = sort { Unicode::Normalize::NFKD($countries{$a})
+	     cmp Unicode::Normalize::NFKD($countries{$b}) } keys %countries;
+  }
+	# writes country list
+  if (keys %countries){
+    foreach my $i(0..$#ll){
+      print qq|<clist id=$ll[$i] country=$countries{$ll[$i]} count=$count{$ll[$i]} pos=first>| if($i<1);
+      print qq|<clist id=$ll[$i] country=$countries{$ll[$i]} count=$count{$ll[$i]} pos=last>| if($i==$#ll);
+      print qq|<clist id=$ll[$i] country=$countries{$ll[$i]} count=$count{$ll[$i]}>| if($i && $i < $#ll);
+    }
+  }
+  $listfile = "$(ENGLISHDIR)/CD/http-ftp/cdimage_mirrors.list";
+  my %sites;
+  open(my $ms, "<", $listfile) || die "Unable to read $listfile";
+  while (<$ms>) {
+	# [country code(2bytes)]\x00
+    if (/^(\w+)\x00/){ $sites{$1} = substr($_,3,);}
+  }
+  close($ms);
+	# writes mirror list
+  if (keys %sites){
+    foreach my $l(0..$#ll){
+	# [site]<name>name</name><ftp>ftp</ftp><http>http</http><v6>v6</v6>[site]...
+      my @site = split(/\[site\]/,$sites{$ll[$l]});
+      foreach my $i(1..$#site){
+	my $re = '<name>(?<name>[\.\w\-]+)</name>(<ftp>(?<ftp>[\.\w\-/]+)';
+	   $re.= '</ftp>)?(<http>(?<http>[\.\w\-/]+)</http>)?(<v6>(?<v6>1)</v6>)?';
+	$site[$i] =~ m|$re|;
+	next unless($+{name});
+	my $a1 = ($+{v6}) ? "6enabled" : "v4only";
+	my ($fc, $lc, $fh, $lh);
+	$fc=1 if($l<1);  $lc=1 if($l==$#ll);
+	$fh=1 if($i<2);  $lh=1 if($i==$#site);
+	if($+{ftp} && $+{http}){
+	  if($fc){
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http} cpos=first>| if($fh && !$lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1 lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http} cpos=first>| if($fh && $lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http} cpos=first>| if($lh && !$fh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l]
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http} cpos=first>| if(!$lh && !$fh);
+	  }
+	  if($lc){
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http} cpos=last>| if($fh && !$lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1 lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http} cpos=last>| if($fh && $lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http} cpos=last>| if($lh && !$fh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l]
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http} cpos=last>| if(!$lh && !$fh);
+	  }
+	  if(!$fc && !$lc){
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http}>| if($fh && !$lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1 lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http}>| if($fh && $lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http}>| if($lh && !$fh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l]
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http}>| if(!$lh && !$fh);
+	  }
+	}	# endif($+{ftp} && $+{http})
+	if($+{ftp} && !$+{http}){
+	  if($fc){
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} cpos=first>| if($fh && !$lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1 lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} cpos=first>| if($fh && $lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} cpos=first>| if($lh && !$fh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l]
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} cpos=first>| if(!$lh && !$fh);
+	  }
+	  if($lc){
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} cpos=last>| if($fh && !$lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1 lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} cpos=last>| if($fh && $lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} cpos=last>| if($lh && !$fh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l]
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp} cpos=last>| if(!$lh && !$fh);
+	  }
+	  if(!$fc && !$lc){
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp}>| if($fh && !$lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1 lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp}>| if($fh && $lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] lh=1
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp}>| if($lh && !$fh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l]
+		v6=$a1 ftp=$+{ftp}>| if(!$lh && !$fh);
+	  }
+	}	# endif($+{ftp} && !$+{http})
+	if(!$+{ftp} && $+{http}){
+	  if($fc){
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http} cpos=first>| if($fh && !$lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1 lh=1
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http} cpos=first>| if($fh && $lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] lh=1
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http} cpos=first>| if($lh && !$fh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l]
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http} cpos=first>| if(!$lh && !$fh);
+	  }
+	  if($lc){
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http} cpos=last>| if($fh && !$lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1 lh=1
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http} cpos=last>| if($fh && $lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] lh=1
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http} cpos=last>| if($lh && !$fh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l]
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http} cpos=last>| if(!$lh && !$fh);
+	  }
+	  if(!$fc && !$lc){
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http}>| if($fh && !$lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] fh=1 lh=1
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http}>| if($fh && $lh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] lh=1
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http}>| if($lh && !$fh);
+	    print qq|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l]
+		v6=$a1 http=$+{http}>| if(!$lh && !$fh);
+	  }
+	}	# endif(!$+{ftp} && $+{http})
+      }	# end foreach my $i(1..$#site)
+    }	# end foreach my $l(0..$#ll)
+  }	# end if (keys %sites)
+<restore preferred />
+<define-tag clist>
+<preserve id country count pos />
+<set-var %attributes />
+<ifeq "<get-var pos />" "first" "<p>">
+  <a href="#<get-var id />"><get-var country />&nbsp;(<get-var count />)</a> &nbsp;
+<ifeq "<get-var pos />" "last" "</p>">
+<restore id country count pos />
+<define-tag host>
+<preserve host ftp http v6 cc cn cpos fh lh />
+<set-var %attributes />
+<when <get-var fh />>
+  <ifeq "<get-var cpos />" "first" "
+<hr />
+<ul class="cdi">
+  ">
+  <li><div>
+    <h4 id="<get-var cc />" name="<get-var cc />"><get-var cn /></h4>
+    <p>
+      [&nbsp;<get-var host />:&nbsp;<when <get-var ftp
+        />><a rel="nofollow" class="ip<get-var v6 />" href="ftp://<get-var
+         host /><get-var ftp />">FTP</a>&nbsp;</when><when <get-var http
+        />><a rel="nofollow" class="ip<get-var v6 />" href="http://<get-var
+         host /><get-var http />">HTTP</a>&nbsp;</when>]&nbsp;
+<when <get-var lh />>
+    </p>
+  </div></li>
+<ifeq "<get-var cpos />" "last" "</ul>">
+<restore host ftp http v6 cc cn cpos fh lh />

	sub create_host_tag{
	  my @m1 = ('$+{ftp} && $+{http}','$+{ftp} && !$+{http}','!$+{ftp} && $+{http}');
	  my @m2 = ('ftp=$+{ftp} http=$+{http}','ftp=$+{ftp}','http=$+{http}');
	  my @c1 = ('$fc','$lc','!$fc && !$lc');
	  my @c2 = (' cpos=first',' cpos=last','');
	  my @h1 = ('fh=1','fh=1 lh=1','lh=1','');
	  my @h2 = ('$fh && !$lh','$fh && $lh','$lh && !$fh','!$lh && !$fh');
	  my $co = '|<host host=$+{name} cn=$countries{$ll[$l]} cc=$ll[$l] ';
	  my $co2= 'v6=$a1 ';

	  foreach my $m(0..$#m1){
	    print "\tif($m1[$m]){\n";
	    foreach my $c(0..$#c1){
	      print "\t  if($c1[$c]){\n";
	      foreach my $h(0..$#h1){
		print "\t    print qq$co$h1[$h]\n\t\t$co2$m2[$m]$c2[$c]>| if($h2[$h]);\n";
	      print "\t  }\n";
	    print "\t}\t#if($m1[$m])\n";

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