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Re: website error: two or more packages specified (warsow lenny)


Kevin Banjo <kevinbanjo@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm looking for a missing file in my debian and this is the ONLY hit I get
> on it on google:
> http://packages.debian.org/lenny/powerpc/warsow/filelist
> however this is the text google sees:
> /usr/games/warsow /usr/lib/games/warsow/basewsw/cgame_ppc.so
> /usr/lib/games/warsow/basewsw/game_ppc.so /usr/lib/games/warsow/basewsw/*
> ui_ppc*.*so* *...*
> <http://ioquake.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1685>
> I'm trying to locate that ui_ppc.so file.  Any clue?  There is no google
> cache.

Lenny is no longer present on packages.debian.org, it is oldstable
and was archived.
http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/powerpc/warsow/filelist would
be the same search for the squeeze distribution.

If you need the package for lenny, see

And consider upgrading to Squeeze.


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