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www.d.o/Bugs/Developer: release tags


on http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer.en.html#tags I read:

	[list of release tags]

	The meanings of the latter 8 distribution-specific tags have
	changed recently; the -ignore tags ignore the bug for the purposes
	of testing propagation. The release tags indicate that the bug in
	question should not be archived until it is fixed in the set of
	releases specified. The release tags also indicate that a bug should
	only be considered buggy in the set of releases specified.

This paragraph hasn't changed since Lenny, which makes it quite
- The meaning of the tags hasn't changed *recently*, it changed 
  *several years ago*.
- There are 12 of those distrubition-specific tags ATM, not 8.

To fix this for the future, I will change that as follows,
if noone objects:

	Some info on distribution-specific tags: 
	the -ignore tags ignore the bug for the purposes ...


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