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Re: Debian CD Vendor Update


Pablo Pérez Benítez <lkmdigital@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Please, can you remove me from the Debian CD Vendors list? I am from Uruguay
> and listed as Debian CDs Uruguay.
> Thank you.
> ---
> Pablo Pérez Benítez
> Traductor Inglés-Español-Francés
> Tel: 47341761
> www.azulmarino.tk

Shall I commit attached patch?


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Created with Sylpheed 3.0.2
    under DEBIAN GNU/LINUX 6.0 - S q u e e z e 
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--- vendors_orig.CD	2011-08-18 21:30:28.796721313 +0200
+++ vendors_workingcopy.CD	2011-08-23 22:52:25.915931384 +0200
@@ -1836,16 +1836,6 @@
         contacturl="mailto:crap@teammurder.com"; />
 <country code="uy" name="<UYc>">
-<vendor name="DebianCDs Uruguay"
-        country="uy"
-        url="http://linux.webcindario.com/";
-        deburl="http://linux.webcindario.com/debian/productos.php";
-        contribution="yes"
-        cd="no"
-        dvd="yes"
-        architectures="i386"
-        ship="yes"
-        contacturl="mailto:lkmdigital@gmail.com"; />
 <vendor name="PM Consultores Ltda"

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