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Re: Language selection is not persistent

Sergio Conde Gómez wrote:
> Well but that means that I have to put first en or en_US and maybe the only
> website that I want in English is Debian website.

If so, use a web browser that can set a per-site language and
accurately report that preference to the web server.  For
Iceweasel/Firefox, try the Quick Locale Switcher add-on from

> Why not to use a cookie with lang or append to urls something like ?lang=es
> or /es/?
> I think that is better, and increases usability of the site.

I disagree.  It would make URLs harder to share between users who have
different first-choice languages.  Also, Content Negotation would
still be used if a page doesn't yet exist in a language, but then
users who want (say) /eo/ when possible fall through a trap-door into
the /en/ version.  It's a lot of work for a debatable change.

Setting web browsers accurately seems better for everyone.

Hope that helps,
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