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Re: broken link - - - Reference Card - Translations


Holger Wansing <linux@wansing-online.de> wrote:
> Vince Forgetta <forgetta@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The two links entitled "Debian GNU/Linux Reference Card" at
> > http://www.debian.org/doc/ do not exists anymore (link to
> > http://tangosoft.com/refcard/).
> This link has been changed to 
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/refcard/refcard
> which brings you to the english version of the refcard.
> As translator of the german version:
> Maybe we should tell users that there are also translations
> available?

Or even better:
Link to http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#refcard
which provides a list of all available languages with 
direct links.


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