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update of DDP related web pages (phase 1)


It is great to have squeeze released and web pages in the new design.

It is not secret that Debian documentation pages can be reorganized to
make more important things to be more accessible.  I would like to
update their content, now.

Key actions(first phase):

== http://www.debian.org/doc/ ==

This is our main page targeted to the "READER".  It must be kept not to
clutter any more but add direct access to other important pages

For "Manuals specific to Debian", <h4> items under it:
 * "Users' manuals", 
 * "Developers' manuals", and
 * "Miscellaneous manuals" 
shall have direct link to 
 * http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals ,
 * http://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals , and
 * http://www.debian.org/doc/misc-manuals .

"The complete list of Debian manuals and other documentation can be found
at the Debian Documentation Project web pages": this should be moved up
just under "Manuals specific to Debian" and rephrased. 

There should be quick link to SVN access page for prospectus translator
etc.  That should be in the second phase change when updating cvs.wml.

There should be as big link to "book" as "FAQ".

== http://www.debian.org/doc/ddp ==

This should be made to our main page targeted to the "CONTRIBUTOR".

The useless list of "Problematic manuals" should be removed from this
page. The link from "Problematic manuals" should go directly to
http://www.debian.org/doc/obsolete and it should be called "Obsolete and
incomplete manuals" instead.

This can get more contents but that will be in the second phase since it
may have some side effects.

== http://www.debian.org/doc/obsolete ==

This content has few bugs.  It needs to be cleaned and status needed to
be updated while including information from the old list of "Problematic
manuals" in http://www.debian.org/doc/ddp .

I attach proposed change as files:

If no one object, I will commit them to english/doc directory.

I think todo.wml and topics.wml should be removed.  Their updated
contents needs to be moved to wiki.debian.org and links need to be
retargeted.  This should be done in the second phase.  Objection?



#use wml::debian::template title="Documentation"

<p>An important part of any operating system is documentation, the technical
manuals that describe the operation and use of programs. As part of its efforts
to create a high-quality free operating system, the Debian Project is making
every effort to provide all of its users with proper documentation in an
easily accessible form.</p>

<h2>Quick start</h2>

<p>If you are <em>new</em> to Debian we recommend you start first by

  <li><a href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/installmanual">Installation Guide</a></li>
  <li><a href="manuals/debian-faq/">Debian GNU/Linux FAQ</a></li>

<p>Do have these at hand when you make your first Debian installation, it
will probably answer many questions and help you work with your new Debian
system. Later you might want to go through:</p>

  <li><a href="manuals/debian-reference/">Debian Reference</a></li>
  <li><a href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/releasenotes">Release Notes</a>,
      for people who are upgrading</li>
  <li><a href="http://wiki.debian.org/";>Debian Wiki</a>, a good source
      of information for newcomers</li>

<p>Finally, make sure you print out and have at hand the <a
href="http://tangosoft.com/refcard/";>Debian GNU/Linux Reference
Card</a>, a listing of the most important commands for Debian systems.</p>

<p>If you want to start developing packages for Debian we recommend
you go through:</p>

  <li><a href="manuals/maint-guide/">Debian New Maintainers' Guide</a></li>
  <li><a href="manuals/developers-reference/">Debian Developer's Reference</a></li>

<p>There is a fair bit of other documentation listed below.</p>

<h2>Types of documentation</h2>

<p>Most of the documentation included in Debian was written for GNU/Linux
in general. There is also some documentation written specifically for Debian.
These documents come in these basic categories:</p>

  <li><a href="#manuals">Manuals</a></li>
  <li><a href="#howtos">Generic HOWTOs</a></li>
  <li><a href="#faqs">FAQs</a></li>
  <li><a href="#books">Books</a></li>
  <li><a href="#other">other shorter documents</a></li>

<h3 id="manuals">Manuals</h3>

<p>The manuals resemble books, because they comprehensively describe major

<h3>Manuals specific to Debian</h3>

<p>Manuals specific to Debian are produced by the <a href="ddp">Debian
Documentation Project</a>.  Here is a current list of actively maintained manuals.<p>

  <div id="lefthalfcol">
    <h4><a href="user-manuals">Users' manuals</a></h4>
      <li><a href="user-manuals#faq">Debian GNU/Linux FAQ</a></li>
      <li><a href="user-manuals#install">Debian Installation Guide</a></li>
      <li><a href="user-manuals#relnotes">Debian Release Notes</a></li>
      <li><a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a></li>
      <li><a href="user-manuals#securing">Securing Debian Manual</a></li>
      <li><a href="user-manuals#java-faq">Debian GNU/Linux and Java FAQ</a></li>


  <div id="righthalfcol">

    <h4><a href="devel-manuals">Developers' manuals</a></h4>
      <li><a href="devel-manuals#policy">Debian Policy Manual</a></li>
      <li><a href="devel-manuals#devref">Debian Developer's Reference</a></li>
      <li><a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">Debian New Maintainers' Guide</a></li>
      <li><a href="devel-manuals#menu">Debian Menu System</a></li>
      <li><a href="devel-manuals#i18n">Introduction to i18n</a></li>
    <h4><a href="misc-manuals">Miscellaneous manuals</a></h4>
      <li><a href="misc-manuals#history">Debian Project History</a></li>
      <li><a href="misc-manuals#markup">Debiandoc-SGML Markup Manual</a></li>
      <li><a href="misc-manuals#sgml-howto">Debian SGML/XML HOWTO</a></li>


<h3>Manuals for GNU/Linux in general</h3>

<p>Some of the most popular Linux documents and manuals are
<a href="http://www.tldp.org/LDP/gs/gs.html";>Linux Installation and
Getting Started</a>, 
<a href="http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/linux-doc-project/users-guide/";>\
Linux Users' Guide</a>, 
<a href="http://www.tldp.org/LDP/nag/nag.html";>Network Administrators'
<a href="http://www.tldp.org/LDP/sag/";>System Administrator's
Guide</a>, and others.</p>

<p>Linux documentation is coordinated through the efforts of the
<a href="http://www.tldp.org/";>Linux Documentation Project</a> (LDP).
You can find the full set of LDP manuals 
<a href="http://www.tldp.org/guides.html";>at their web pages</a>, along
with a lot of other documentation, both in electronic and printed form.</p>

<h3 id="howtos">HOWTOs</h3>

<p>The <a href="http://www.tldp.org/docs.html#howto";>HOWTO
documents</a>, like their name says, describe <em>how to</em> do
something, and they usually cover a more specific subject.</p>

<p>Some of the most important Linux HOWTOs are:</p>

  <li><a href="http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Hardware-HOWTO/";>Hardware
      Compatibility HOWTO</a>,</li>
  <li><a href="http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Unix-and-Internet-Fundamentals-HOWTO/";>\
      Unix and Internet Fundamentals HOWTO</a>,</li>
# currently not available
#  <li><a href="http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO.html";>Kernel
#      HOWTO</a>,</li>
  <li><a href="http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Filesystems-HOWTO.html";>Filesystems
  <li><a href="http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Config-HOWTO.html";>Configuration
  <li><a href="http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Net-HOWTO/";>Networking
  <li>and <a href="http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/categories.html";>\
      many others</a>.</li>

<p>They are also available for installation on your machine in the
<a href="http://packages.debian.org/stable/doc/doc-linux-text";>\
doc-linux-text</a> and
<a href="http://packages.debian.org/stable/doc/doc-linux-html";>\
doc-linux-html</a> packages.</p>

# TODO: make a note about the translated doc-linux-* packages...

<h3 id="faqs">FAQs</h3>

<p>FAQ stands for <em>frequently asked questions</em>. A FAQ is a document
which answers those questions.</p>

<p>The <a href="http://www.tldp.org/FAQ/Linux-FAQ/";>Linux FAQ</a>
contains information regarding Linux in general.</p>

<p>Questions specifically related to Debian are answered in the
<a href="FAQ/">Debian FAQ</a>.
There is also a separate <a href="../CD/faq/">FAQ about Debian CD/DVD

<p>Please see the <a href="http://www.tldp.org/FAQ/";>LDP FAQ
index</a> for more information.</p>

<h3 id="books">Books</h3>

<p>There are also several user-oriented manuals written for Debian GNU/Linux,
available as <a href="books">printed books</a>.</p>

<h3 id="other">Other, shorter documents</h3>

<p>The following documents include quicker, shorter instructions:</p>


  <dt><strong><a href="http://www.tldp.org/docs.html#man";>manual pages</a></strong></dt>
    <dd>Traditionally, all Unix programs are documented with <em>manual
        pages</em>, reference manuals made available through the <tt>man</tt>
        command. They usually aren't meant for beginners. You can 
	search for and read the manual pages available in Debian
	in <a href="http://manpages.debian.net/";>http://manpages.debian.net/</a>.

  <dt><strong><a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/manual/texinfo/html_node/index.html";>info files</a></strong></dt>
    <dd>Many GNU software is documented through <em>info 
        files</em> instead of manual pages. These files include detailed
	information of the program itself, options and example usage
	and are available through the <tt>info</tt>

  <dt><strong>various README files</strong></dt>
    <dd>The <em>read me</em> files are also common &mdash; they are simple text
        files that describe a single item, usually a package. You can find
        a lot of these in the <tt>/usr/share/doc/</tt> subdirectories on
        your Debian system. Each software package has a subdirectory
	under it with its own read me files, and might also include
	configuration examples. Notice that, for larger programs, documentation
	is typically provided in a separate package (same name as the
	original package, but ending in <em>-doc</em>).

  <dt><strong>quick reference cards</strong></dt>
        <p>Quick reference cards are very short summaries of a certain
        (sub)system. Usually, such a reference card provides the mostly
        used commands on a single piece of paper. Some notable reference
        cards and collections include:</p>
          <dt><a href="http://tangosoft.com/refcard/";>Debian
              GNU/Linux Reference Card</a></dt>
	    <dd>This card, that can be printed out in a single paper,
		provides a list of the most important commands and is
		a good reference for new users of Debian that want to
		familiarise with them. At least basic knowledge of computer,
		files, directories and the command line is required.
		Novice users might want to read the
		<a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>

	  <dt><a href="http://refcards.com/";>refcards.com</a></dt>
	    <dd>A collection of quick reference cards focused mainly on
                Free and Open Source Software</dd>

	  <dt><a href="http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/quickrefs.htm";>Quick Reference Cards</a></dt>
	    <dd>A collection of quick reference cards for the most popular
		programs and programming languages</dd>


<hrline />

<p>If you have checked the above resources and still can't find answers to
your questions or solutions to your problems regarding Debian, take a look
at our <a href="../support">support page</a>.</p>
#use wml::debian::ddp title="Debian Documentation Project"

<p>The Debian Documentation Project was formed to coordinate and unify all
efforts to write more and better documentation for the Debian system.</p>

  <h2>DDP Work</h2>
  <div id="lefthalfcol">

      <li><strong><a href="user-manuals">Users' manuals</a></strong></li>
      <li><strong><a href="devel-manuals">Developers' manuals</a></strong></li>
      <li><strong><a href="misc-manuals">Miscellaneous manuals</a></strong></li>
      <li><strong><a href="obsolete">Obsolete and incomplete manuals</a></strong></li>

    <h3>Current Topics</h3>
      <li><a href="topics">Topics</a> for discussion or resolution.</li>


    <h3>Todo List</h3>
      <li><a href="todo">Things that need to be done</a>; volunteers
          always appreciated!</li>
      <li><a href="todo#ideas">Good and bad ideas</a>, larger issues
          that need to be resolved.</li>


  <div id="righthalfcol">
    <h3><a href="docpolicy">Documentation Policy</a></h3>
      <li>Manual licenses comply with DFSG.</li>
      <li>Directory structure: filesystem, WWW, FTP.</li>
      <li>We use Docbook XML for our documents. Use of DebianDoc SGML is being phased out.</li>
      <li>Every document has one maintainer.</li>

      <li><a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-doc/";>debian-doc mailing
          list archive</a></li>
#      <li><a href="http://www.debian.org/~elphick/ddp/linuxdoc-sgml.ps";>
#          Linuxdoc-SGML</a> article in the Linux Journal</li>
      <li><a href="http://tldp.org/LDP/LGNET/issue15/debian.html";>Debian
          Linux Installation &amp; Getting Started</a> article in the Linux
    <h3>SVN Access</h3>
      <li><a href="cvs">How to access</a> the SVN repository of the DDP</li>
      <li>DDP SVN documents in <a href="manuals/">manuals


<hr class="clr">

<p>Note to Portuguese-speaking users: visit
<a href="http://wiki.debianbrasil.org/";>DDP-BR</a>, web pages about
localization of Debian documentation in Brazilian Portuguese language.</p>

#use wml::debian::template title="Obsolete and Incomplete Manuals"
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"

<p>The manuals listed below were either written a long time ago and
are not up to date or have been written for previous versions of Debian
and have not been updated to current versions. Their information is
outdated, but may still be of interest to some.</p>

<p>We can't recommend them to all users.  Caveat emptor.</p>

### <h2 id="user">User oriented documentation</h2>
### No much use as title but kept as place holder

<document "dselect Documentation for Beginners" "dselect">

<div class="centerblock">
  This file documents dselect for first-time users, and is intended to help
  in getting Debian installed successfully. It makes no attempt to explain
  everything, so when you first meet dselect, work through the help screens.
  <authors "St�ane Bortzmeyer">
  <maintainer "(?)">
  stalled: <a href="http://packages.debian.org/aptitude";>aptitude</a> has
  replaced dselect as the standard Debian package management interface
  <inddpcvs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
            langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk">

<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage" "guide">

<div class="centerblock">
  A manual, oriented towards the end-user.
  <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
  <editors "John Goerzen">
  finished; obsoleted; written for potato
  <inoldpackage "debian-guide">

<document "Potato installation HOWTO" "installguide">

<div class="centerblock">
  Unofficial installation instructions for Debian release 2.2 (codename Potato).
  <authors "Mark Stone">
  <maintainer "(none)">
  obsoleted; written for potato
  <a href="../releases/potato/installguide/">HTML</a>

<document "User's Guide" "users-guide">

<div class="centerblock">
This <q>User's Guide</q> is nothing but a reformatted <q>Progeny User's Guide</q>.
Contents are adjusted for the standard Debian system.</p>

<p>Over 300 pages with a good tutorial to start using the Debian system
from <acronym lang="en" title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> desktop 
and shell command line.
  <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
  <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
  obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>;
  written for woody
# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
  <inddpcvs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf">

<document "Debian Tutorial" "tutorial">

<div class="centerblock">
This manual is for a new Linux user, to help such a user get acquainted
with Linux once they have installed it, or for a new Linux user on a system
which someone else is administering.
  <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
  Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
  <editors "Havoc Pennington">
  <maintainer "(?)">
    obsoleted by <a href="#guide">Debian Guide</a> and
    <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
  not yet complete
  <inddpcvs name="debian-tutorial" cvsname="tutorial">

<document "Debian User Reference Manual" "userref">

<div class="centerblock">
  This manual provides at least an overview of everything a user should know
  about their Debian GNU/Linux system (i.e. setting up X, how to configure
  network, accessing floppy disks, etc.). It is intended to bridge the gap
  between the Debian Tutorial and the detailed manual and info pages
  supplied with each package.</p>

  <p>It is also intended to give some idea of how to combine commands, on
  the general Unix principle, that <em>there is always more than one way to
  do it</em>.
  <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
      Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
  <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
  <maintainer "(?)">
  stalled; incomplete;
  obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
  <inddpcvs name="user">

<document "Debian System Administrator's Manual" "system">

<div class="centerblock">
  This document is mentioned in the introduction of the Policy manual.
  It covers all system administration aspects of a Debian system.
  <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
  <maintainer "(?)">
  stalled; incomplete;
  obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
  not yet available
  <inddpcvs name="system-administrator">

<document "Debian Network Administrator's Manual" "network">

<div class="centerblock">
  This manual covers all network administration aspects of a Debian system.
  <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
  <maintainer "(?)">
  stalled; incomplete;
  obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
  not yet available
  <inddpcvs name="network-administrator">

# Add this to books, there's a revised edition (2nd) @ Amazon
<document "The Linux Cookbook" "linuxcookbook">

<div class="centerblock">
  A hands-on reference guide to the Debian GNU/Linux system that shows,
  in over 1,500 <q>recipes</q>, how to use it for everyday activities &mdash; from
  working with text, images, and sound to productivity and networking
  issues. Like the software the book describes, the book is copylefted
  and its source data is available.
  <authors "Michael Stutz">
  published; written for woody, getting obsolete
  <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
  <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/";>from the author</a>

<document "APT HOWTO" "apt-howto">

<div class="centerblock">
  This manual tries to be a quick but complete source of information 
  about the APT system and its features. It contains much information 
  about the main uses of APT and many examples.
  <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
  <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
  obsoleted after the introduction of the secure-APT
  <inpackage "apt-howto">
  <inddpcvs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
	    formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" />

<document "Euro support in Debian GNU/Linux" "euro-support">

<div class="centerblock">
This document describes the issues related to Euro support
in the Debian GNU/Linux operating system, and provides a guideline
of how to properly configure a system and its applications for 
this purpose.
  <authors "Javier Fern�ez-Sanguino Pe�
  finished; obsoleted by the deployment of UTF-8
  <inpackage "euro-support">
  <inddpcvs name="debian-euro-support" langs="en fr it" cvsname="euro-support">

### <h2 id="devel">developer documentation</h2>
### no much use as title but kept as place holder

<document "Dpkg Internals Manual" "dpkgint">

<div class="centerblock">
  Documentation about the internals of dpkg, and how to write new
  tools for package management using the dpkg libraries. This would
  be useful to a limited audience only.
  <authors "Klee Dienes">
  <inoldpackage "dpkg-doc">
  <a href="packaging-manuals/dpkg-internals/">HTML online</a>

<document "Debian Packaging Manual" "packman">

<div class="centerblock">
  This manual describes the technical aspects of creating Debian binary
  and source packages. It also documents the interface between dselect
  and its access method scripts. It does not deal with the Debian
  Project policy requirements, and it assumes familiarity with dpkg's
  functions from the system administrator's perspective.

  <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
  Parts that were de facto policy were recently merged into debian-policy;
  the rest is planned to be included in a new `dpkg packaging manual', to
  be written by Wichert Akkerman.
  Previously available in the <code>packaging-manual</code> package.

<document "Introduction: Making a Debian Package" "makeadeb">

<div class="centerblock">
  Introduction on how to create a <code>.deb</code>, using
  <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
  stalled, obsoleted by <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
  no (The debmake package is obsoleted by the dh-make package)

<document "Debian Programmers' Manual" "programmers">

<div class="centerblock">
  Helps new developers to create a package for the Debian GNU/Linux system.
  <authors "Igor Grobman">
  obsoleted by <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
  <inddpcvs name="programmer">

<document "Debian Repository HOWTO" "repo">

<div class="centerblock">
  This document explains how Debian repositories work, how to create
  them, and how to add them to the <tt>sources.list</tt> correctly.
  <authors "Aaron Isotton">
  <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
  obsoleted after the introduction of the secure-APT
  <inddpcvs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
            formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta">

<document "How Software Producers can distribute their products directly in .deb format" "swprod">

<div class="centerblock">
  This document is intended as a starting point to explain how software
  producers can integrate their products with Debian, what different
  situations can arise depending on the license of the products and the
  choices of the producers, and what possibilities there are. It does not
  explain how to create packages, but it links to documents which do exactly

  <p>You should read this if you are not familiar with the big picture of
  creating and distributing Debian packages, and optionally with adding them
  to the Debian distribution.

  <authors "Aaron Isotton">
  <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
  ready (?)
  <inddpcvs name="distribute-deb" index="distribute-deb"

### <h2 id="misc">Miscellaneous documentation</h2>
### No much use as title but kept as place holder

<document "Debian META Manual" "meta">

<div class="centerblock">
  This manual tells the user where to look for the document that covers
  their questions.
  <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick">
  <maintainer "(?)">
  unmaintained; incomplete; deprecated
  <inddpcvs name="meta">

<document "Debian Book Suggestions" "books">

<div class="centerblock">
  A list of books of note to Debian users or maintainers.
  <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Tapio Lehtonen">
  <maintainer "?">
  unmaintained; incomplete; deprecated
  <inddpcvs name="book-suggestions">

<document "Debian Dictionary" "dict">

<div class="centerblock">
  <q>I've been thinking for a long time that we need a Debian dictionary.
  This project definitely has its own peculiar lingo. Perhaps we could
  set up a WWW form somewhere so that folks could submit new terms and
  definitions as they occurred to them.</q>
  <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick">
  <maintainer "?">
  unmaintained; incomplete; deprecated
  <inddpcvs name="dictionary">
  <p>The <a href="http://packages.debian.org/dict-vera";>dict-vera</a>
  and <a href="http://packages.debian.org/dict-foldoc";>dict-foldoc</a>
  packages include definitions for a lot of Debian-related terms and

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