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Re: Release announcement simplified Chinese translation update

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 01:08:42AM +0800, Deng Xiyue wrote:
> I don't know that translation of release announcement are put on web
> using local locale instead of UTF-8.  I have checked the simplified
> Chinese page[1], which is encoded in GB2312.  Maybe that is required by
> policy.  I don't know which is the preferred way to store this in SVN
> repository, so now I'm attaching both the UTF-8 version as
> well as the GB2312 version for reference.  These 2 versions can be
> converted to each other by "iconv" utility.

You seem to have sent two copies of the UTF-8-encoded version.

According to the Chinese .wmlrc, the character set used for the
Chinese translation is Big5.  I tried to convert the file directly,
which failed:

 $ iconv -f UTF-8 -t BIG5 lenny-announcement.zh_CN.wml.utf8
 <define-tag pagetitle>Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 iconv: illegal input sequence at position 43

I was able to convert it by going through GB2312, however:

 $ iconv -f UTF-8 -t GB2312 lenny-announcement.zh_CN.wml.utf8 | iconv -f GB2312 -t BIG5

I committed this version.  Would you please inspect the results and
let me know if there are problems?

Matt                                                 http://ftbfs.org/

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