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Not really asc: http://www.debian.org/volatile/etch-volatile.asc

The file at http://www.debian.org/volatile/etch-volatile.asc is not really in
ascii armor export format. Please either update the file with a properly ascii
armored key or changed the extension to reflect the fact that it's binary data!

The sarge key was correctly exported.

))))/  Patrick (L.) Bernier         GPG DSA key fingerprint:     /(
)))/   pat@TZoNE.ORG, pat@4p.ca     CB65 9634 BAB0 0122 86B1    /((
))/    http://www.TZoNE.ORG/~pat/   5AD5 9970 4BDA 66DC 1B23   /(((
)/     "Words have meaning, and names have power." -- Lorien  /((((

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