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Re: Options changed in check_trans.pl

* Bas Zoetekouw <bas@debian.org> [2008-10-01]:
> Hi Hans!
> You wrote:
> > > You're totally right, I forgot to implement a few of the old options.
> > > -Q (be really quiet) and -l (show log entries) should now work (although I
> > > should mention that the combination really doesn't make sense, as all the logs
> > > are redirected to /dev/null if you specify -l and -Q).
> > [cut]
> > 
> > Just for the record: You have changed the behavior of -Q. (I'm not
> > saying that this is bad, but it will force people to update their cron
> > jobs/scripts.)
> Hmm, I see.  Still, I don't think "being really quiet" means outputting
> lots of cruft and logs.  Does it really matter for you if it outputs the
> names of the files that have changed?  Because if it doesn't you could
> just use -q instead.

I'm completely find with the change you made. It was just for the
record. If I had mind, I would have objected clearly.
> > > Also note that the output of the script might have (slightly) changed.
> > > I've tried to make it clearer and more userfriendly, using colours to
> > > distinguish the different statusses of files, but please let me know if
> > > that poses any problems.  Of course, the rewritten script probably also
> > > has other bugs;  please let me know if you encounter one.
> > 
> > Well, currently it doesn't send me any e-mails. I'm using
> > 
> > ./check_trans.pl -q -m 'nordhaug@[...]' -l -d
> > 
> > and it only prints the result to stdout. (Earlier -Q was included
> > in the above command, but that gives nothing as you mentioned above.)
> Ah!  I think I misunderstood how -m worked in the old script.
> Currently, -m only sends mails to the translators defined in
> <lang>/international/<lang>/translator.db.pl, but you seem to want it to
> send all the mails to the specified address, right?
> Actually, I'm pretty sure this didn't work with the old script either.
> You need at least to set an -n option.

I left out the -n parameter from the example because I thought it
didn't make any difference - sorry. I only used the -m parameter
because the old version for some reason didn't pick up the settings
from my translator.db.pl (norwegian)[1]. 

OK, I tested again with

./check_trans.pl -q -l -d -n 3
./check_trans.pl -q -m 'hansfn@gmail.com' -l -d -n 3
./check_trans.pl -q -m 'nordhaug@[...]' -l -d -n 3

All of them send the output to stdout and no e-mail. (hansfn@gmail.com
is what is entered in translator.db.pl.) And why do we have to supply
the frequencey (-n) when this info is in translator.db.pl?

I'm fluent enough in Perl to fix this myself, but I assume it's much
quicker for you. And I would be more than happy to test "beta" version
before you commit them. Or maybe I'm just making a stupid mistake when
invoking ./check_trans.pl


[1] http://cvs.debian.org/webwml/norwegian/international/norwegian/translator.db.pl

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