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Re: download.pl lets arbitrary stuff through

On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 09:42:35PM +0100, Stefan Scheler wrote:
> > Fixed and uploaded, see #402631.
> Erm, do you this is a good fix? You're only checking the length!

Please provide a demonstration attack that would force users into
downloading, and wrongly checking, a malicious package. The only way that can
happen is if a mirror is already compromised, and that's why whe have
per-signature GPG releases for the archive [1].

A proper fix would take the MD5sum from somewhere and not the user's
submission and that's acknowledged in the CVS logs. For the time being,
the fix is suficcient, and can wait until the new version of
packages.debian.org is up (no idea when, I'm not a developer of that part of
the site) which already does this.




Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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