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Who's using Debian?


Here's an entry for the non-profit section of
http://www.debian.org/users/, in format probably suitable for inclusion
in CVS english/users/org/hivos.wml.


# From: Hapee de Groot <hapee@hivos.nl>
# (intermediary) From: Joost van Baal <joostvb@debian.org>

<define-tag pagetitle>Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, The Netherlands</define-tag>
<define-tag webpage>http://www.hivos.nl/</define-tag>

#use wml::debian::users

 The organisation uses Debian GNU/Linux on half of their servers, i.e.
about 10 systems.

<p>It is used for two webservers, for the mailserver and on a system
for project administration, running a Firebird database.  Debian was
chosen since it's the ultimate form of Open Source, and reliable as
well.  Since Hivos works for creating a better world, fights poverty
and uses "No Borders for People" as its motto, choosing Debian is


Thanks for maintaining the Debian website!



elegance is for tailors -- Einstein

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