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Fantastic News for MLM Entrepreneurs!

Dear Debian,
This news is very exciting and also very important to YOU so please 
read it carefully.
An exciting new humanitarian project that is linked to an incredible 
business opportunity is about to launch! As a courtesy to you I 
reserved you a position in the Network. I now have some fantastic news 
for you! The marketing team has been very busy and hundreds of people 
have already pre-enrolled under your position. Your organization is 
growing day by day!
And it gets even better! On 18 April the project will start a massive 
global campaign which will result in thousands more people 
pre-enrolling below your position prior to the actual launch on 4 July 
This is a serious and legitimate opportunity, the likes of which 
probably will never come around again. Just think for a moment about 
what this could mean for you?
Right now, you are strategically placed to financially benefit when 
thousands of pre-enrolled members become paying Affiliates from 4 July 
2005. However, to secure your current position you must register on the 
website before 18 April 2005.
No payment is required to do this. It is simply required to confirm 
your intent to remain in the position that was reserved for you and to 
update your details if necessary. If you don?t do this by the 18 April, 
you will be deleted from their database. You may pre-enroll after 18 
April but you will have lost your current position and organization.
So, if you want to continue you simply confirm by registering at the 
NetmarkAid website, if not simply ignore this email and you won?t be 
contacted again in this matter. I hope you appreciate that I 
pre-enrolled you with the best intentions, however if you are not 
interested in being part of this wonderful opportunity to make a 
difference, at least please consider sharing it with someone you care 
about. It might be exactly what they?re looking for!
To confirm and secure your position please go to; 
http://www.netmarkaid.com. Please remember to enter my name and email 
as your referrer.
Just imagine making money saving lives! How would that make you feel?
Best wishes
Richard Tester

Humanitarian Entrepreneur

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