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find attached a file to be placed into english/devel/debian-volatile.

#use wml::debian::template title="debian-volatile" NOHEADER="true"
#use wml::debian::recent_list
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/info"
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/etch/release.data"
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/debian-installer/images.data"


<p><:= get_recent_list('News/$(CUR_YEAR)', '2',
'$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/debian-volatile', '', '\d+\w*' ) :>
<a href="News">Older news</a>

<h1>debian-volatile for end users</h1>

<b>What is debian-volatile?</b>
<p>Some packages aim at fast moving targets like spam filtering and virus
scanning, and even via using updated virus patterns, this doesn't really
work for the full time of a stable release. The main issue of volatile
is to allow system administrators to update their systems in a nice,
consistent way without getting the drawbacks of using unstable, even
without getting the drawback for the selected packages.

<b>debian-volatile and security support?</b>
<p>There is no support by the official security-team, but the volatile
team will do support for volatile. Also a member of the debian-volatile
team is also member of the <a
href="http://secure-testing-master.debian.net/";>Debian testing security

<b>Releases of debian-volatile?</b>
<p>debian-volatile is seperated into a staging and a release area. The
staging area is only used by the build daemons. There is no guaranty
that packages within this staging area are usable for end users. There
might be no upgrade path for packages within the staging area.</p>
<p>Packages are moved to the release area whenever a debian-volatile
update announcement (VUA) is send to the <a
announce mailing list.</a> The upgrade path of packages in this area is
guaranteed, as well as the upgrade to the next stable release


<p>The generic contact address (new packages, mirror requests, ...) is
<p>If you want to subscribe to that address, please see <a
for details.</p>

<h1>debian-volatile for developers</h1>

<b>Acceptance rules</b>
<p>For a package to be included into debian-volatile, it has to meet the
following criteria:
 <li>The packages should only go in in cooperation with the
 maintainers.<p>Means: A package should be uploaded to debian-volatile
 only by its package maintainer(s). This is the only way we can guaranty
 security support for packages in debian-volatile.</p></li>

 <li>debian-volatile is not "just another place" for backports, but should only
  contain changes to stable programs that are necessary to keep them

 <li>It should allow any administrator to "just use" volatile, as they "just
   use" security.d.o, and they should be confident that nothing is broken by
 <li>For bugs, the normal debian bug tracking system should be used.</li>
 <li>Packages in main cannot require any software outside of main for
   execution or compilation. Packages need to be autobuildable within the 
   same release.</li>
 <li>Packages need to be policy-conformant; we usually take <a
   http://release.debian.org/sarge_rc_policy.txt</a>as a hint what's not
 <li>The upgrade path from volatile to the next stable release needs to be at
  least as easy as from the current stable release; means e.g.
  that the version in volatile must not be higher than in testing.</li>

<b>Procedure for a package to be included</b>
<p>We experianced that the following procedure works quite well for new
packages to be included to debian-volatile:
<li>Send a mail to debian-volatile@lists.debian.org<p>
   This is for discussing your changes in public. It is also a good idea to
   include a link to a unified diff. Please remember the debian-volatile
   guidelines, i.e. make only necessary changes.</p><p>
   I hereby encourage fellow developers to activly participate in this
   discussion as the debian-volatile team wants to know which changes the users
   want, and which not... Everybody on the list is encouraged to review the
   proposed changes.<p></li>

<li>Upload to debian-volatile<p>
   If you got the okay from the list, please upload at least
   source+binary-all packages to volatile-master.debian.net using FTP.
   Please document changes in debian/changelog. Just saying</p><p>
      <i>* Upload package to volatile</i></p><p>
   is _NOT_ okay.</p><p>
   If it is not your first upload to volatile and your changes to the
   previous version are security fixes, please tell us in advance. If
   you already have, please put CAN numbers in the changelog. If you
   do not have them, please tell us, we can obtain them for you. If you
   want to contact the volatile-team private, than please speak with one
   of its team members. Sometimes there are embargo dates on
   publification of security bugs / fixes. We respect them.</p></li>

<li>Packages are build automaticaly<p>
   Now packages are build by the autobuilder network. No interaction is
   needed here.<p></li>

<li>volatile-announce-mail is being prepared<p>
   While the package is autobuilded the debian-volatile team will contact you
   about the content of the announce mail which is send via

<li>Package is released.<p>
   The package is finally reviewed and released.</p></li>

<b>How to upload to volatile</b>
<p>You should add the following sniplets to your ~/.dput.cf</p>
method = ftp
fqdn = volatile-master.debian.net
incoming = /pub/UploadQueue/
login = anonymous
hash = md5

If you are using dupload, please add the following to your ~/.dupload.conf
$cfg{'volatile'} = {
        fqdn => "volatile-master.debian.net",
        incoming => "/pub/UploadQueue/",
        # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,
        passive => 1,

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