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Complaint against op in #debian

I'm sorry if I am sending this to the wrong department but I couldn't
find anything closer on the contacts page.  One of operators in
#debian on EFnet with the nick 'nagual' is acting in a way that I
would consider inappropriate for someone of his position but I will
let you decide. Listed below is the conversation:

17:21 -!- foobarbaz is now known as pipeline
17:22 -!- pipeline was kicked from #debian by nagual [no status nicks,
last warning]
17:22 < loststryk> hey all :) i am pretty new to debian, and would
appreciate anyoens help on sorting out a screen
                   resolution problem i have, i have a nvidia mx400
graphics card and can't get bigger then a 800x600
                   resolution, can anyone assist ?
17:22 -!- pipeline [ba1e0c9029@pcp01052132pcs.muncie01.in.comcast.net]
has joined #Debian
17:22 < pipeline> nagual: "No status nicks, last warning" ?
17:23 < GenNMX>
17:23 <@nagual> dont change nicks in here
17:23 < pipeline> nagual: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
17:23 < GenNMX> That was for loststryk
17:23 <@nagual> wanna be rude to me?
17:23 < loststryk> thank you GenNMX am looking now
17:23 < pipeline> Why doesn't the automated ban message just say
"don't change nicks in #debian" ? :P
17:23 <@nagual> just dont do it. please abide by these rules or leave
17:24 < pipeline> Problem solved
17:24 -!- pipeline [ba1e0c9029@pcp01052132pcs.muncie01.in.comcast.net]
has left #debian []
17:24 < fcrick> yeah you need to update that message buddy
17:24 < fcrick> it says "no status nicks" which is something
completely different from "don't change nicks"
17:25 <@nagual> when i want your opinion ill ask for it
17:25 < fcrick> look you don't have to be so rude
17:26 < fcrick> just because you have kicking priveleges doens't mean
you should make snide comments like that
17:26 -!- loststryk [~loststryk@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
17:26 <@nagual> you think its rude that i tell you i dont really care
about your opinions about how we run this channel?
17:27 < fcrick> 'when i want your opinion i'll ask for it' is rude in
any context
17:27 < yawgm8th> nagual: you *are* rude
17:27 <@nagual> haha
17:27 -!- mode/#debian [+b *!*fcrick@*.west.biz.rr.com] by nagual
17:27 -!- fcrick was kicked from #debian by nagual [nagual]
17:27 -!- mode/#debian [+b *!*yawgm8th@24.177.251.*] by nagual
17:27 -!- yawgm8th was kicked from #debian by nagual [nagual
spookydoom.com </yawgm8th>

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