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Re: Debian News RSS Feed


From: Matt Kraai <kraai@ftbfs.org>
Subject: Re: Debian News RSS Feed
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 23:27:59 -0800

> Thanks for the demo code, but we don't use PHP on the official web
> site.  It would be best if someone would implement a wml solution.

I implemented the RSS Feed for Debian Weekly News with wml and
<perl>. Similar scheme was found at security/dsa*.rdf.in, I just
modeled on it. There are 2 new files (english/News/weekly/dwn.rdf.in
and english/template/debian/weeklynews/rdf.wml) and patch against the

dwn.rdf.in contains the whole of the current issue, as described
in CURRENT-ISSUE-IS. Each item does not have a parmlink, so all
rdf:about attributes are just same, however, this attribute seems to
be necessary. It may be better to add such as index.??.html, but this
would be the function of content negotiation, I guess.

rdf.wml provides the functions for splitting the issue into items, and
create <item>s. And optionally, if we can use POSIX::strftime, the
<dc:date> element is more valiable by adding the zone information

* I believe that charset of the feed would prefer to be UTF-8, but now
  uses as the same kind of .html(s). The same holds true for dsa feeds.

* Some elements or attributions may be not enough or redundant.

* I just made dwn.{en,ja}.rdf only...

Please test and give me your comments and suggestions.

Nobuhiro IMAI <nov@yo.rim.or.jp>
Key fingerprint = F39E D552 545D 7C64 D690  F644 5A15 746C BD8E 7106
#use wml::debian::weeklynews::rdf

  my ($dir, $items_ref) =
    parse_issue('$(ENGLISHDIR)', 'News/weekly', 'CURRENT-ISSUE-IS');

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$(CHARSET)"?>


<channel rdf:about="http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/dwn.rdf";>
  <title><gettext domain="templates">Debian Weekly News</gettext></title>
<gettext domain="templates">Debian Weekly News</gettext>
  <dc:date><: print(join('T', split(' ','$(WML_GEN_ISOTIME)'))); :></dc:date>
<protect pass=2>
      <rdf:li resource="http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/<:= $dir; :>/" />
<: dwn_item_list($dir, $items_ref); :>
#use wml::std::tags
#use wml::debian::openrecode


sub parse_issue {
    my ($eng_dir, $dwndir, $cur_issue) = @_;
    open(CURRENT, "$eng_dir/$dwndir/$cur_issue") or return ();
    chomp(my $dir = <CURRENT>);

    my ($editors, @items);
    my $fh = openrecode("./$dir/index.wml", "$eng_dir/$dwndir/$dir/index.wml");
    local($/) = "";
    while($p = <$fh>){
        next if $p =~ /^#use\s/;
        $p =~ tr/\r\n/ /;
        $p =~ s/\\\s+//g;
        $p =~ s/\A\s+//;
        $p =~ s/\s+\z//;
        my ($title, $content);
        if($p =~ m:\A<p>(<strong>(.+?)</strong>)?\s*(.+?)\s*</p>\z:){
            $title = (defined $1) ? $2 : 'Editorial of this issue.';
            $content = $3;
            next unless(defined $title and defined $content);
            $content =~ s,\Q$(HOME)/\E,http://www.debian.org/,g;
            push(@items, {title => $title, content => $content});
        } elsif($p =~ m:\A<ul>\s*<li>(.+)\s*</ul>\z:){
            next unless(defined $1);
            my $pkg = $1;
            $pkg =~ s:</li>::g;
            my $pkglist = '<ul><li>' . join('</li><li>', split(/<li>/, $pkg)) . '</li></ul>';
            $items[-1]->{pkglist} = $pkglist;
    return ($dir, \@items);

sub dwn_item_list {
    my ($dir, $items_ref) = @_;
    my $template = <<'ITEM';
<item rdf:about="%s">

    my $about = "http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/$dir/";;
    foreach my $item (@{$items_ref}){
        my $title = $item->{title};
        my $content = $item->{content};
        my $pkglist = $item->{pkglist} or '';

        printf($template, $about, $title, $content, $pkglist);

# This should be move into ../ctime.wml, if it is convenient for others.
sub iso8601 {
    my $time = shift;
    $time = time() unless $time;
    use POSIX qw(strftime);

    my $t = POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', localtime($time));
    substr($t, -2, 0, ':');
    return $t;
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/News/weekly/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -s -u -r1.42 Makefile
--- Makefile	14 Nov 2003 01:11:47 -0000	1.42
+++ Makefile	10 Dec 2004 04:01:20 -0000
@@ -130,13 +130,41 @@
 # Have to add to the default clean rule to clean up all the html the
 # above target produces.
+	rm -f $(DWNRDF)
 ifeq "$(LANGUAGE)" "zh"
 	-find . -type f -name \*.$(LANGUAGE)-??.html | xargs rm -f
 ifeq "$(LANGUAGE)" "ja"
 	-find . -type f -name \*.$(LANGUAGE).html.tmp | xargs rm -f
+	rm -f $(DWNRDF).tmp
 	-find . -type f -name \*.$(LANGUAGE).html | xargs rm -f
+ifndef SUBLANG
+DWNRDF := dwn.$(LANGUAGE).rdf
+DWNRDF := $(sort $(foreach i,$(SUBLANG),$(subst dwn,dwn.$(LANGUAGE)-$(i),dwn.rdf)))
+DESTDWNRDF := $(patsubst %.rdf,$(HTMLDIR)/%.rdf,$(DWNRDF))
+$(DWNRDF): $(ENGLISHDIR)/$(CUR_DIR)/dwn.rdf.in \
+	$(wildcard $(shell cat $(ENGLISHDIR)/$(CUR_DIR)/CURRENT-ISSUE-IS)/index.wml) \
+	$(TEMPLDIR)/weeklynews/rdf.wml $(GETTEXTDEP)
+	$(WML) $(shell egrep '^-D (CUR_|CHAR)' ../../.wmlrc) \
+			$(ENGLISHDIR)/$(CUR_DIR)/dwn.rdf.in
+all:: $(DWNRDF)
+install:: $(DESTDWNRDF)
+	@test -d $(HTMLDIR) || mkdir -m g+w -p $(HTMLDIR)
+	install -m 644 -p $< $(HTMLDIR)
+ifeq "$(LANGUAGE)" "en"
+	ln -sf dwn.en.rdf $(HTMLDIR)/dwn.rdf
 # Need to rebuild the index when anything changes.

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