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Re: how to handle orthographical errors

* Tommaso Moroni <tommaso.m@tiscalinet.it> [2003-10-29 06:20]:
> I'd like to know if there's a particular procedure to handle
> orthographical errors in the translated web pages. 
> What should I do if I find any of them? Is a simple commit
> to the cvs enough or should I do something more polite?

 If you are sure that they are wrong feel free to commit them, I would
say. If you are not completely sure please rather ask here on the list.
There are sometimes things written specially or set specially which
aren't obvious on the first site (like DEbian VOTE Engine with capital E
in the last DWN for explanation of the devotee akronym), or sometimes
organization/organisation which is both correct (although I _really_
would like to see to have it consistent throught the whole site...).

 That said, don't blame me if you get flames for doing it, I'm not part
of the webmaster team, I just do it occasionally myself :)

 So long,
"Der Ton im Usenet ist häufig kürzer angebunden als im täglichen Leben,
denn Tippen geht langsamer als Reden. Daher fallen Höflichkeitsflos-
keln leichter unter den Tisch als anderswo. Deshalb sind die Aussagen
aber weder oberlehrerhaft noch böse gemeint." (Thomas Hochstein)

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