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Re: Please: Is it possible to remove a message from the archive?

* Soenke von Stamm <s.stamm@broadnet-mediascape.de> [2003-05-20 16:09]:
> Now, please, is it possible, to remove that message or replace it with a dummy 
> at least? 

 No, I'm afraid but we don't do that. Please see the disclaimer for our
MailingLists: <http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/disclaimer>

> I guess the mirrors, if they hold the original message, will not be as much of 
> a problem as they may not be as popular as debain's listarchive.

 groups.google.com is quite popular. As are some other archives.

> I guess that google-ranking proves how accelent the debian listarchive really 
> is (as well as the rest of debian 8-)


 So long, I hope you understand.
-!- mode/#debian.de [-o wease|] by wease|
 * wease| traut BX nicht
                                  -- #debian.de

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