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Re: search.debian.org is online


From: Tomohiro KUBOTA <debian@tmail.plala.or.jp>
Subject: Re: search.debian.org is online
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 19:53:31 +0900 (JST)

> 1. handling of two-byte characters
> 2. extraction of words from sentences without whitespaces

I think I found the reason of the problem 1.  Though mnogosearch
supports multibyte languages, it doesn't support them by default.
To support them, recompilation is needed.

mnogosearch-3.2.7$ ./configure --help
                          Use additional non-default charsets:
                          none, all or a list from this set:
                          big5 gb2312 gbk japanese euc-kr gujarati tscii

Note that "japanese" means Shift_JIS, which is not the encoding for
Debian Japanese web pages.  Debian Japanese web pages are written
using ISO-2022-JP which seems not be supported by mnogosearch.

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.org>

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