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Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by kubota: webwml/english/News/weekly/2002/33 index.wml


At Wed, 28 Aug 2002 16:00:25 +0200,
Denis Barbier wrote:

> Maybe copypage.pl should perform ISO-8859-1 to HTML entities conversion?

Sorry, I don't understand the mechanism well, but

 - *.wml in english directory is for the original writers and translators.
   It should be in ASCII (not ISO-8859-1) because it is the only
   international encoding until we move to UTF-8, otherwise east Asian
   people have some difficulty on editing it (because east Asian multibyte
   encoding and ISO-8859-1 cannot co-exist).
 - English *.html is for users who read web pages, and "charset=iso-8859-1"
   web pages can have ISO-8859-1 characters.  Since the English pages only
   contains ASCII/ISO-8859-1 characters, we don't need to think about
   co-existance of ISO-8859-1 and multibyte characters.

If copypage.pl is used when conversion from *.wml to *.html , it is
just opposite to my intension.

However, since the "difficulty" is not very large (and we have excellent
text editors such as emacs), east Asian translators can manage a small
amount of ISO-8859-1 characters in *.wml files.

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.org>
"Introduction to I18N"  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/

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