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Re: rdf files thought

* Gerfried Fuchs <alfie@ist.org> [2002-11-20 14:04]:
>  But the following would make much more sense:
> <title>DSA-xxx package -- text from description tag</title>
> <description>text from moreinfo tag</description>

 ... with only the exception that the <moreinfo> content isn't available
directly in wml::debian::recent_list.  So it might take a while since I
figured out how to use that.

 If one knows that script well enought to have a quick solution please
don't hesitate to step forward.

 So long,
Alfie [me and my big mouth]
<Alfie> Für Linux?  mutt und sonst nichts.
<jbf> mutt ist aber console und ich will eins das ich mit der maus bedienen
      kann und keinen nostalgischen wert bestitzt :)
                                  -- privater irc query, 2001-10-22

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