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 I know that the one or the other of you know of the spi website: I was
told that it was part of the debian webtree some time ago.  Now it moved
to it's own server and needs it's own translators.

 Joey recently pushed me into the access list for the spi webwml tree
and I now have done quite some changes, both to the german translation
and to the site as a whole (like, adding copypage.pl ;) and fixing
resolutions/minutes index page generation).

 There are on the other hand just some few translations, where the
italian (12 pages) and japanese (17 pages) translations are a little bit

 So, why am I writing this?  You might want to have one or two of your
translations team being able to take care of the spi pages, too.  There
are not that many pages (67 wml files if I got that right), the commit
rate is *really* low (nothing really changes on the site, just ever
several months a new board meeting or a new resolution) so it shouldn't
be too hard to track that, too.

 What is not there yet: stattrans.pl which does the nice statistics for
the pages with the links to the cvs on http://cvs.spi-inc.org/ but that
shouldn't be too hard to do (don't know where that should be put in the
website, though).  So you have to call ./check_trans.pl -q  yourself to
see the outdated files -- but that's not too hard, is it?

 Would be nice if the one or the other might be interested to help
there.  <webmaster@spi-inc.org> would be pleased to add your mkpasswd
output to the pserver file.

 Ah yes, about the subject, there is a list now that might be intersting
for the people working on the spi website, similar to this one.  You can
subscribe to it through the webform at <http://lists.spi-inc.org/> or by
sending a mail with the word subscribe in the body (and subject, just to
make sure ,) to <spi-www-request@lists.spi-inc.org>.

 Have fun, and thanks for the attention,
Wo wir schon bei Schnäppchenbestrafungen sind: ich finde § 307 StGB hat ein
recht ordentliches Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Soviel Bums für sowenig Strafe
gibt sonst nirgendwo.
                        -- Holger Lembke in de.soc.recht.misc

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