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patch for english/template/debian/recent_list.wml


 I guess you have noticed alread that I am a little bit annoyed by the
tidy output of our website and am working on trying to improve that.
Please find attached a patch that will silence tidy about *lots* of
files, especially the index files for the different years on the events

 What does it do?  It simply adds closing </tr> tags to the end of each
entry.  Tidy has a problem if it can't find the closing </tr> for at
least the last <tr> in a table and so doesn't know what to do with the
following </table> there....

 The patch is quite straight to the point and might therefore be a
little bit dirty, though I can't really think of any bad side effects.

 If noone objects I am going to commit that in a week or so...

 Have fun,
       --- network-connection tot ---
mery:  Hat wer die Nummer von unserem Provider?
woody: Die steht auf der Homepage....
                                            -- 2001-08-08 @ pte.at
--- recent_list.wml.orig	2002-08-22 13:59:52.000000000 +0200
+++ recent_list.wml	2002-08-22 14:07:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -261,28 +261,33 @@
     $listfoot = '</ol>';
     $elemhead = '<li>';
     $elemfoot = '- ';
+    $elemrealfoot = '';
   } elsif ($format =~ bullet) {
     $listhead = '<ul>';
     $listfoot = '</ul>';
     $elemhead = '<li>';
     $elemfoot = '- ';
+    $elemrealfoot = '';
   } elsif ($format =~ list) {
     $listhead = '<dl>';
     $listhead = '<dl compact>' if $format eq cdeflist;
     $listfoot = '</dl>';
     $elemhead = '<dt>';
     $elemfoot = '<dd>';
+    $elemrealfoot = '';
   } elsif ($format =~ table) {
     $listhead = '<table>';
     $listfoot = '</table>';
     $elemhead = '<tr><td>';
     $elemdate = '</td><td>';
     $elemfoot = '';
+    $elemrealfoot = '</td></tr>';
   } else {
     $listhead = '';
     $listfoot = '';
     $elemhead = '';
     $elemfoot = '- ';
+    $elemrealfoot = '';
   my $str = $listhead;
@@ -360,7 +365,7 @@
     elsif ($line =~ /^<define-tag status>(.*)<\/define-tag>$/) { $status = qq/$1/; }     # vote
     if ($title && $date && $where) { # for events/
-      $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$date]</tt>$elemdate <strong><a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong>, $elemfoot$where<br />\n";
+      $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$date]</tt>$elemdate <strong><a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong>, $elemfoot$where<br />$elemrealfoot\n";
     elsif ($desc) { # for security/
@@ -386,13 +391,13 @@
       } else {
-        $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$rdate]</tt> <strong><a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong> $elemfoot$desc<br />\n";
+        $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$rdate]</tt> <strong><a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong> $elemfoot$desc<br />$elemrealfoot\n";
     elsif ($title && $date && !$is_events) { # for News/ and not events/
       $date = newsdate($date);
-      $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$date]</tt> <strong><a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong><br />\n";
+      $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$date]</tt> <strong><a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong><br />$elemrealfoot\n";
     elsif ($title && $status) { # for vote/
@@ -403,7 +408,7 @@
       elsif ( $status eq "F" ) { $str1 .= "<finished/>"; }
       elsif ( $status eq "W" ) { $str1 .= "<withdrawn/>"; }
       else { $str1 .= "$status"; }
-      $str1 .= "<br />\n";
+      $str1 .= "<br />$elemrealfoot\n";
   } # for each line in file

Attachment: pgpaHvFbzUkZx.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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