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Re: packages' download.pl format

On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 06:15:19PM +0100, Jonathan Sambrook wrote:
> My tuppence w'th is:
>   If download.pl used columns, those of us not in the US would have our
>   use of these webpages improved.
>   On every page I have to scroll down to the same site's url. This is
>   annoying when one has to traipse through several .debs' pages and keep
>   seeing all that unused white space to the right of the US links.
>   Move European links to the right of the US and the rest of the world
>   would catch up underneath - at least on my monitor.
>   Worth a look?

I've done this. (How's that for a belated answer. :)

The download.pl format for non-US sites is unchanged since there aren't
nearly as many North American non-US mirrors listed.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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