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New version of /intl/l10n/ pages


first let me say some explanations about the current status of these pages.
Martin Quinson wrote scripts to extract localized files from source packages
and generate relevant statistics about l10n.
He did it for a while on his own machine but had to stop, and we migrate
the generation process on my account on ftp-master.
Unfortunately these scripts do need recent debconf and gettext packages,
which are not available on this box. So these pages are currently in a not very
tasteful state.

I have rewritten the whole machinery, but moving to the new one will of course
break wml build, and some care must be taken.
Here is my proposition for a smooth upgrade, I'll do it tonight (i.e. in ~ 12
hours) if nobody objects:
  a) Patch webwml/*/international/Makefile to remove l10n from the list of
     sub-directories to prevent any wml build under /intl/l10n/
  b) Commit new version of webwml/english/international/l10n/* files
  c) Remove old stuff
  d) Sync translations (this has to be done because the database file has
     slightly changed)
  e) In few days, allow build of webwml/*/international/l10n/ again

After that, daily updates of these webpages will be performed since their
generation becomes really fast.


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