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Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by csmall: webwml/english/misc merchandise.def merchandis ...

* "James A. Treacy" 

| So they are called frisbees in AU also.

FWIW, in .no as well.

| The proper term is actually flying disc (frisbee is a trademark of
| Wham-O).

Probably in the same sense as «Thermos» is a trademark og Thermos and
(at least in .no) «Primus» is a trademark of Primus, while it's used
when talking about burners using kerosene or some sort of petrol.
(And walkman/discman is used about all pocket-sized
cassette/cd-players, not only those made by Sony).  The joy of having
a product which creates a new niché; all your competitors' products
are called the same as yours. :)  </offtopic>

Tollef Fog Heen
Unix _IS_ user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.

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