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mnoGoSearch - and the navigation

i saw that the mngosearch dont work as it should :)
it displays the "select a server near u" stuff on each search result,
here is a little perl script that should fix that stuff (perhaps it dont
outputs 100% good html but for the indexer it makes no difference) :
u have to add the following line to the indexer.conf
	Mime text/* text/html "however_u_name_this_script.pl" 
| Name   : Christian Holzberger   |   
| E-Mail : molle@linux-coding.org | 
| URL    : www.Linux-Coding.org   | 

use strict;

my $blob;
	local $/;
	$blob = <>;
$blob =~ m!<(title)>(.*?)</(title)>.*?<img\s+src=".*?"\s+align="right"\s+border="0"\s+hspace="0"\s+vspace="0"\s+alt=""\s+width="15"\s+height="16">(.*)<HR\s+NOSHADE\s+WIDTH="100%"\s+SIZE="1">!is;

if ( $2 && $4 ) {
	print "<html><head><title>$2</title></head><body>$4</body></html>\n";
} else {
	print $blob;

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