On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 06:34:39PM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2001, Matt Kraai wrote:
> > This is true only if you consider all of the untranslated files to
> > be outdated translations. I originally made this exact mistake,
> > but corrected it after committing it. Please see the CVS log.
> > I've been rethinking this, though. It might be better to replace
> > it with the following:
> >
> > $percent_o{$lang} = $percent_a{$lang} - $percent_t{$lang};
> *nirg* Thanks for fast response before any harm is done (I hope the
> script is not running right now). I thought the up-to-date and outdated
> values percentages are now calculated wrt/ the translated files and not
> the full value? Wasn't that commited, too? I think that makes up a
> much more valueable value than calculate them wrt/ all the files.
> It was that I just saw it on the page that Matt did - Matt, didn't you
> also submit that part? If not, why not? If yes, why doesn't it work?
> :)
I wasn't sure whether that part was OK, so I went ahead with my
other changes. If you'd like to fold that change in with your
solution below, I doubt anyone will have a problem.
> > Heh, I'm a pessimist.
> Alright, I'm usually more a realist, and rounding seems to be more to
> the true values :) And, in the handling without rounding could have
> been a mistake if all three values got rounded down, up-to-date and
> outdated could make up one less in the sum than translated files (yes, I
> could be quite pedantic with this, I know ;)
Yeah, I realized this after committing. I think my proposed
change should take care of that problem, though. It sounds like
you have write permissions, so you're free to implement whatever
solution you prefer.
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